“Carefully considered and narrowly tailored…?”

Governor John Lynch pretends he cares about free speechNew Hampshire Governor John Lynch Vetoed SB175 this week, a bill that would allow heirs to control the commercial use of a celebrities identity.  But I’m not all that interested in the Veto or the bill, I am more…amused…by the hypocrisy in his explanation for it.

The Union Leader reports Governor Lynch as suggesting that this particular bill could have “a chilling effect on legitimate journalistic and expressive works.” That “legislation that could have the impact of restricting free speech must be carefully considered and narrowly tailored?”

Had I been drinking coffee when I read this I would have spit it all over my laptop because this is the same man who two years ago said he was willing to sign HB1459 which would have bureaucratized paid political speech by any business out of existence for fear of failing to properly meet all the requirements before “speaking.”

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Monitor Get’s It Right

The people of New Hampshire take note.  Free speech is far too fundamental to democracy to be restricted on the fly by ill-conceived and little discussed measures cranked out in the waning days of the legislative session by lawyers and lawmakers who are overreacting and overestimating their abilities. Legislative leaders are writing laws limiting First … Read more

Did Ray Buckley Lie?

Do Ray Buckley and the New Hampshire Democrat Party Lie?  See for yourself.  Here is an excerpt from an NHDP press release that quotes Mr. Buckley directly. SB1459, which is before the state senate this afternoon, would hold foreign entities accountable for spending money intended to influence the outcome of domestic political campaigns. … "There … Read more

Hassanosaurus Rex Revisited

The speech restrictions in HB1459 have suddenly caught everyone’s attention thanks to Cornerstone Policy Research, so I thought I’d resurrect my post from two weeks ago on the subject.  (Posted at NHI and Granite Grok). It’s not as pretty or filled with exclamations in all caps bold red text, but…it came out two weeks earlier … Read more

Hassan’s Special Interests

Skip has done a great job piling on this Hassan HB1459-political speech issue, and I’m not sure how much more we can add today, but this quote caught my eye, Skip didn’t take it in the direction I expected. (So I will) Maggie Hassan is quoted as saying… “Millions of Americans invest retirement money in … Read more

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