Whatever credibility Joel Maiola may have had with actual Republicans should be dead now. In this mornings Union Leader we are treated to RINOJOEL’s TM treatise on the Greatness that would be John Lynch (were greatness even a possibility).
When the recession hit, Lynch acted quickly and aggressively to cut state spending. He kept New Hampshire’s budget balanced and delivered a surplus. At the same, he kept state taxes the lowest in the nation and kept his promise to oppose an income or a sales tax.
Actually, Lynch grew the state budget during the entirely of the recession. He spent more year on year in two successive budgets, increasing the cost to taxpayers about 23% while the cost of living barely moved, and while private sector employment dropped, and wages stagnated or declined–he added state employees. Only in late 2009 when he began to smell the stink of a challenging re-election looming, did he even consider cutting back the public sector unions that donate so heavily to his party apparatus.
RINOJOELTM would also like you to believe that bonding and debt, and relying on one time money from the federal government is ‘balancing’ the budget. It’s actually a gross miscarriage of fiscal leadership to pass the costs of your government on to future leaders and the children of the electorate, but that is the hallmark of Lynch and his democrat majority legislature. Remember what Rep Eaton said..and I paraphrase… "You cant look for revenue until you know how much you are spending."
And Lynch let them spend.
He spent, and created a deficit for the ages, which makes the surplus meme that much more unconscionable. Riddle me this RINOJOELTM–If we had a surplus why are we trying to sell 60 million dollars worth of land. Why do we need tens of millions in one time federal dollars, and why is Lynch still in the hunt for 100 million in JUA funds that the State Supreme court stated were not his to take? Balanced BS is more like it.
Those are not the actions of a guy who made responsible spending cuts to balance a budget that ended with a surplus, they are the actions of a desperate incompetent scrambling for his political life, and the cover provided by a RINO to give him some measure of respectability with people who might not know better.
But for whatever reason, RINOJOELTM Maiola has thrown in his lot with Mr. Lynch so we owe it to him to make sure that the entirety of the Lynch Agenda remains at this doorstep.
So Joe Might as well join the democrat party. Moving forward his support for Lynch and his policies make his claims at anything else impossible to believe.
"Fredo, you’re nothing to me now. You’re not a brother, you’re not a friend. I don’t want to know you or what you do. I don’t want to see you at the hotels, I don’t want you near my house. When you see our mother, I want to know a day in advance, so I won’t be there. You understand? "
If the platform is worth running on, it is worth defending, from all threats inside the party and out. Goodbye RINOJOELTM it was nice not knowing you.
(H/T Union Leader; Photo Credit-New Republic)
[updated] I may be truer to the platform, but apparently can’t read names. (nothing new) My apologies to Joel, who is still a RINO, but deserves to have his name spelled correctly.