Every election year the RINO’s do us a favor by announcing themselves as the Republican’s for Lynch. They have done so again, and we are presented with another unique opportunity to demonstrate the need to clarify an important distinction.
Lynch favors abortion, is against parental notification, supports gay marriage, likes to spend taxpayer money, enjoys the opportunity to expand the bureaucracy and centralize power, is not against using government power to deny private property, wants to tax business, will cram costs down on towns and counties, deny them revenue, has been known to hob-nob with millionaire special interests who then dump over $100,000.00 dollars into his campaign, would hamstring free speech, supports Obamacare, supports cap and trade and plays like a kitten with all the strings attached to the federal money he begs for to keep the spreadsheet from falling off a cliff, is clearly against state sovereignty, and still managed to accumulate hundreds of millions in debt and then lie about it to stay in office. And that’s the short lit.
I checked the GOP Platform. You can’t support Lynch and be a republican. So you are either a Republican, or you are for Lynch, you can’t be both.
If the Republican Party in New Hampshire is serious about their brand, and the party platform, as a way to distinguish them from tax and spend social liberals who want to grow government and create a command economy, it behooves them to distance themselves from anyone who claims to be a republican for Lynch. That includes delegates and local chairman.
John Lynch has proven himself to be incompatible with the New Hampshire advantage, to liberty in general, and the GOP platform in its entirety.
Now someone will get all wound up and claim I am sowing division in the party. What I’m actually doing is getting rid of it. You can’t back Lynch without backing what he stands for. So these folks are Republicans in Name only. They are RINO’s for Lynch, Obamacare, cap and trade, taxes and spending, centralized control, and the continued erosion of the New Hampshire advantage.
You don’t have to kick them out of the party but like an annoying relative who won’t leave, it’s perfectly acceptable to let them know that their behavior is not appropriate and that they have overstayed their welcome.
These are not Republicans. They are democrats. And if they have so much conviction about how great Lynch is for the state, they should join his party because they are incompatible with ours. It’s time for these "republicans" to admit they are democrats, and join the ranks of Kathy Sullivan who is more than happy to talk about outreach and bipartisan support as long as they are on our side dragging us to the left and not on her side dragging them toward the middle.
Not that the democrats would stand for that.
Joel Maiola
Bernie Streeter
J. Bonnie Newman
Dick Green
Walter Peterson
Jim Schubert
Kimon Zachos
Ted Connors
Jack Middleton
Hnak Stebbins
Steve Griffen
Grif Dalianis
(List compiled from today’s Union Leader/ Tom Fahey; John DiStaso)