As New Hampshire plays it’s traditional “First In The Nation Primary” role for the next few days, I am reminded of two things. First, as the Live Free or Die state, no matter who ends up as either the GOP nominee or the next president, we’ll still have to act like the sovereign Republic that we are and repel the borders from progressives and big government, both inside and out, for years to come. Second, there is what has to be my favorite New Hampshire bumper sticker; “Welcome to New Hampshire, Now Go home.” To which I would add,” unless you’d like to just move here.”
There are conditions for moving here, of course. We consistently have some of the lowest poverty, lowest crime, and the best standard of living for a reason. And as people speculate about our reasonably low unemployment as well, let me point out that these things are all related. It is the secret ingredient. It is what makes all the great things about New Hampshire possible. The answer; reduce the incentive for bad behavior.
If you don’t pay people a livable wage to remain unemployed, for some strange reason progressives cannot grasp, those people go find a job. And believe it or not, this works everywhere it is tried.