Welcome To New Hampshire…Now Go Home

As New Hampshire plays it’s traditional “First In The Nation Primary” role for the  next few days, I am reminded of two things.  First, as the Live Free or Die state, no matter who ends up as either the GOP nominee or the next president, we’ll still have to act like the sovereign Republic that we are and repel the borders from progressives and big government, both inside and out, for years to come.   Second, there is what has to be my favorite New Hampshire bumper sticker; “Welcome to New Hampshire, Now Go home.” To which I would add,” unless you’d like to just move here.”

There are conditions for moving here, of course.  We consistently have some of the lowest poverty, lowest crime, and the best standard of living for a reason.  And as people speculate about our reasonably low unemployment as well, let me point out that these things are all related.   It is the secret ingredient.  It is what makes all the great things about New Hampshire possible.  The answer;  reduce the incentive for bad behavior.

If you don’t pay people a livable wage to remain unemployed, for some strange reason progressives cannot grasp, those people go find a job.  And believe it or not, this works everywhere it is tried.

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How Fast Can A Rifle Go From Unloded…

…to loaded?  Pretty damn fast, apparently.Gun free zones - where citizens try to run faster than law breakers can load a weapon

Two New Hampshire State Police troopers demonstrated how quickly a semiautomatic rifle can go from unloaded to loaded under a new definition in a bill up for a House vote this week. – (Union leader, Wed 1-4-12)

So with no one else lawfully armed–a policy the police, Governor Lynch, and the university folks both advertise proudly and insist they will defend–the only thing left to stop the rapid loading, unloading, and reloading of a “semiautomatic rifle” in a gun free zone would be what we call…victims. (Or running out of ammo.)

But don’t Democrats love “victims?”

Without victims they have no platform.

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Who I’m voting for on Tuesday in the GOP primary…and why.

Okay, let’s get one thing straight at the very outset: For us in the Live Free or Die State of New Hampshire, it is far more important what happens in and to our state, than what happens in Washington, DC. We have a chance here to resist and defeat the cancerous, corrupt political culture of Washington, DC that is spreading throughout America. Barack Obama has “piled on” and made things immensely worse by importing his “Chicago gangster politics” from Illinois…and been welcomed for it in DC. Thus, because I do not see any great possibility that the national politics of Washington, DC can be quickly cleaned up in any meaningful way, I am choosing to vote for a candidate whom I see as having a real chance of being elected…but who “throw bombs,” someone who will cause maximum chaos, confusion, disarray, and disruption in the nation’s capitol as President.

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Wednesday Morning Coffee – Ron Paul Third in Iowa

Dr. Paul wins third place in IowaAn “ends justifies the means” approach to a Republican primary is how ‘Republicans’ for Ron Paul justify begging Democrats to register as Republicans or independents so they can screw with the results of the GOP Primary to their candidates advantage.

In Iowa, assuming it worked, this netted Congressman Paul a decent third place showing.  We are left to wonder what the numbers would be without the interlopers, but it seems certain Ron Paul owns third place by a wide margin.  In Iowa that is as reasonable a launching pad for the Oval office as first, second, or fourth.

Meanwhile, in New Hampshire, where a near-majority of voters register as independents,  Dr. Paul should expect to do better.  But if he can’t there is no reason to believe he will find improvements in South Carolina or Florida.  Failing to win New Hampshire is by no means fatal, but if he can’t pull out a first or second here, the odds of doing it anywhere else dim considerably despite his otherwise outstanding campaign mechanics.

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A NH Boot to Big Brother’s Neck – HB 445-FN

Police want to use GPS and RF to spy on you without a warrantIf you watch television you’ve probably seen your share of cop or crime shows.  There are two things that always stand out to me.  First, almost everyone talks to the cops without a lawyer. (Dumb.)  Second, the police are always using a suspect’s cell phone or car GPS to track them down.

The real America is not much different.   It is a land where the police can set up a road block just about anywhere, for any reason, (sobriety checkpoints for example) and proceed to justify stopping, questioning, or searching any or every vehicle or its occupants based on their “on the spot judgment.”  With most of America embracing–or at least not objecting–to that kind of arbitrary fourth amendment abuse, why not extend it to electronic surveillance as well?

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It’s The Shoes, Man

Occupiers redistributing without authorizationNothing says #Occupy movement like inspiring young people to support redistribution.  That is, unless, they are four minors and you have recruited them to remove a safe from your neighbors house. (So many fine lines between social justice and criminal justice and so little time to explore them all.)

Such is the predicament of Marion Smith, of Cross Street in Nashua; a multi-faceted #occupier-ette*, who tried to liberate some sneakers from Sears Essentials in Nashua the day before the company announced it would close that store.  Marion got caught sneaking the (presumably essential and no loner eponymous) sneakers just a few weeks after the great underage safe heist went awry, and is now facing a Class B Felony.

(*#occupier-ette: one of those people the Democrats are convinced can’t run their own lives who may not have been an actual occupier, but has undoubtedly been motivated by months of glowing media exposure and left wing praise, to the idea of redistribution)

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Pardon Our Dust…

We’re working out some technical problems.  New posts are posted daily, just select authors in the upper right corner, pick your favorites, and see what’s new.    

Look Whose Shooting Now

Guns, not the cuse of more homicides in NH unless you count police pistolsHow will the left spin the news about the increase in New Hampshire homicides in 2011?  The Union Leader reports the number at 23, an increases of five over 2010.

Will the Democrats try to make a case for gun control based on the report?

Will the New Hampshire Police chiefs, many of whom work so hard to try and infringe second amended rights, spin the generic details to aid their cause?  (When you make people wait for a police officer to show up to defend them from criminals who have already committed their crimes, you will always need more manpower to canvass more crime scenes.  Doesn’t a chief with more employees get a higher salary? )

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Professional Redistributionist Arrested in Nashua

Anthony Villegas Photo Courtesy Nashua Police
Anthony Villegas Photo Courtesy Nashua Police

Theft by “unauthorized taking” is a class B Felony in New Hampshire.  If you’ve got a prior record of redistributing property without “authorization” you’ll probably go to jail for an even longer time.  And that is what will most likely happen to redistributionist Anthony Villegas, 55, of 26 Scripture S.  He was out with O.P.P, other peoples….property, lacking the politicians protection of a legislative writ or state statute.

Yes, the defining difference between what Mr. Villegas is being charged with and what the Democrat party does with government, or what the #Occupy movement would like them to do with government,  is that Anthony did not have the power of the general court to justify his taking.

There is one other difference of course.

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Resolve to Remove The Obama Bumper Sticker

The Obama Presidency of unity, hope, change, and a side of fries is crashing headlong into a re-election campaign of hate, racism, class warfare and division.  His administration is incompetent and in utter ruin.  He’s got more scandals brewing than the media can ignore.  And you still have that Obama Biden Bumper sticker on your … Read more

7 Things About Obama

Things everyone should know about Democrat leadership.  (No need to remind you that they will blame everyone but themselves for it.)   Every day, the U.S. government takes in $6 billion and spends $10 billion.  This means that every day the federal government spends $4 billion more dollars than it has. The real unemployment rate … Read more

Jesus and the Democrat


Jesus in a Coffee shopA Republican, in a wheelchair, entered a restaurant one afternoon and asked the waitress for a cup of coffee. The Republican looked across the restaurant and asked, “Is that Jesus sitting over there?” The waitress nodded “yes,” so the Republican requested that she give Jesus a cup of coffee, on him.

… The next patron to come in was a Libertarian, with a hunched back. He shuffled over to a booth, painfully sat down, and asked the waitress for a cup of hot tea. He also glanced across the restaurant and asked, “Is that Jesus, over there?” The waitress nodded, so the Libertarian asked her to give Jesus a cup of hot tea, “My treat.”

The third patron to come into the restaurant was a Democrat on crutches.

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Anyone Object To A Vice President Ron Paul?

Ron Paul for...Vice PresidentI think everything Ron Paul stands for deserves as much oxygen as it can get (for good or bad).  But no matter what the effect of that vetting, no matter how well he does in Iowa and New Hampshire, I still don’t see a path to the nomination.  (This does not make me a neo-con, by the way.)

Gary Johnson has gone third party-ish (Libertarian), taking that avenue from the esteemed Texas Congressman, and we have to wonder if there is a Huntsman independent bid, a Donald Trump Fifth column party, or any number of other players vying for “most arrogant attention seeker in a hopeless endeavor destined to give Obama four lame duck years to finish the country off for good” category.   Ron Paul not getting the nomination is a part of that conundrum.  In fact, he may well turn out to be the Justice Anthony Kennedy of the GOP Primary.

His fans are legion in their support and willing to do anything to see him find a way to the White House. Many are already promising to stand by and risk Obama getting re-elected rather that vote for some McCain retread, risking what amounts to a protest-fast that will probably end in the death of liberty before we get another shot at the oval office.

But does Ron Paul as VP change the game?

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#Occupy New Hampshire Update 12-29-11

Democrat Party support of the occupy movement has inspired yet another local citizen to redistribute the wealth.  While standing in line at the Burger King in the Steeplegate Mall Food Court, an unknown man decided to ‘have it his way’ and redistributed a pair of $180.00 Oakley Sunglasses from atop the undeserving head of some … Read more

Be A Force Multiplier For Freedom

As important now as ever, whatever the results of the New Hampshire primary and beyond, is that Republicans, Conservatives, Libertarians, and Independents coalesce at the state and local level to greet our opponents on the field of battle.  Our opponents are the institutional left and their mobocracy agenda.  To that end I offer a link … Read more

LEGO Civil Unrest Collection

Need a last minute Christmas gift? Get the new LEGO “OWS Riot Brigade” play set with “authentic Zuccotti Park Smell.”  Though I think my favorite line has to be “Occupy my night stick.” Check it out.  

#Occupy Policy Goal = 35 Years in Jail?

Redistributing the wealth, and blaming banks at the same time, must be sending a mixed message to “American’s” who are committed to redistributing the wealth.  Take James Karahalios for example.  He ‘liberated’ wealth from several banks, motels, and greedy business owners, and what did he get for it?  Thirty-five years in prison for armed robbery. … Read more

Shaheen’s “No-Bid” Contract?

On more than one occasion I have pointed out (correctly) that Democrats elected to Federal office are nothing more than the Democrat parties ‘regional governors.’  They are representatives from the central government to New Hampshire, taking orders from DC’s progressive leadership.  Their goal is to ensure that funding streams into the nations capital, then back … Read more

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