Question of the day…

Let me just get this out of the way?  “Question of the Day…” will not be a daily feature unless someone else on the Grok payroll (which is a lofty sum of $0.00 dollars) bails me out…almost every day.  My follow through is simply not that reliable.  But I liked the sound of it so … Read more

New Hampshire Democrats Will Love This Idea

Democrats love rich people, when they are Democrats.  They take their money and give them taxpayer subsidized loans to prop up their failed business ventures.  They love working people, when they are in unions…baling out UAW workers at Car companies when you know that were it non-union Toyota or Honda–plants in America with American workers, they’d have been on their own.  And they love free speech as long as it speaks to their political advantage.   If you use your money or your speech to say things that run contrary to their agenda you are evil, selfish, a bigot, want people to die, a racist, buying up (local) elections, pushing grandma off a cliff, a monkey in the window, an Uncle Tom, a slut, whore, bitch, bag of meat, or worse.

(Have you noticed that Republican’s don’t do this? I’ve noticed.)

This Democrat hatred of the wrong kind of wealth or opinion was always present but burst from the seams when the Supreme Court overturned the unconstitutional McCain Feingold speech limitations, removing the gag placed there by Democrats and moderates who were gaming the system to their advantage.   This uncorking was followed almost immediately in New Hampshire by an amendment to HB1459 that would not only keep unfriendly money out of politics but empower third parties to do the intimidating for the Democrats so they wouldn’t even have to get their hands dirty .  With tax-paying business owners effectively silenced only the big money establishment players, the unions, and the left wing media (all exempt businesses engaging in paid political speech), would have the resources to deliver and maintain any consistent political messaging–and all of it predominantly center left, grow government first, speech.

Well there has been a new development in Chicago to silence speech that New Hampshire Democrats will love.

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We Tried Our Plan and it Worked….

Red meat, low hanging fruit, softballs?  Call it what you like but whomever is charged with working the mouth on the Obama-Muppet this month is either an idiot themsleves, thinks you are all idiots, or is so disconnected from the reality of America Today that they are dangerous. ‘You didn’t build that’ was a great … Read more

Bill Clinton Endorses Maggie Hazz…um….Hasss….uh..Who Are You Again?

Bill Clinton in Nashua, No Reports of Sexual HarassmentThere have been no reports of sexual harassment (that’s Her-Ass-Meant) during President Bill Clinton’s recent drive-by endorsement of New Hampshire Democrat Margret ‘Louisville Slugger’ Hassan.  But Clinton did have enough time to say some stuff.

“There’s a great plan for the future of the state of New Hampshire: Smoke more, learn less,” Clinton said.

You’d think reducing tobacco taxes would be a plus for a guy with Bill Clinton’s ‘appreciation” for  cigars.  But hey, honestly you are right Mr. Bill.  Taxpayers should pay for someone elses kids to get drunk and earn a degree in the History of Gender Philosophy Studies .  Making them pay for their own education is so self -responsible and free market.  No one would want people like that.  And when they ‘graduate’ with a major in “The Catharsis of Economic Freedom And Opportunity Under Democrat Rule” they can stand in line for a job at Staples or Burger King and use their degree to keep the rain off their $500.00 iPhone.

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Democrat Lee Nyquist’s Campaign Manager Kevin ‘Awesome-Cool’ Hodges Identified as Maggie Hassan’s ‘Bat-Boy.’

Lee Nyquist- Says he's for Civility but his Campaign manger wants to beat Republicans With a batGoffstown, New Hampshire Democrat Kevin Hodges, former House Rep from (D-Awesome Cool), has been identified as the Democrat in this video who wants to “Beat  Republicans with a bat.”  This isn’t all that surprising.  Hodges has a history of disrespecting Republican opponents

“You should vote for me because I’m awesome and cool. The House is filled with stingy old people who are stupid. I’m younger and smarter, and that’s a fact.”

Hodges fed the “Beat Republicans with a bat” line to Democrat goober-natorial candidate Maggie ‘Louisville Slugger’ Hassan, who responded, “That’s a good answer.”

When Hodges isn’t playing Bat-boy, he is also the campaign manager for New Hampshire Democrat Lee Nyquist, who is running as the Democrat State Parties best choice to represent the people of  New Hampshire State Senate District #9.

Here’s a question.  Was NH Democrat Lee Nyquist in the room?  Was he smiling and laughing?  Not sure.  But regardless of that what does he think about his campaign manager’s announcement that they can “beat Republicans with a bat?”  I only ask because the boldface lead to the first item on Lee Nyquist’s ‘Issues’ page reads like this.

“Restoring Civility, Collaboration and Common Sense to Concord


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4RG Chairman Hemingway: “Hassan Should Withdraw From Gov Race”

4RG PAC Logo

Media Contact: Andrew Hemingway, 603-203-4063,

Republican Governor Candidates Smith/Lamontagne Share Ideas For Boosting New Hampshire’s Economy
While Democrat Maggie Hassan Is Talking About Beating Republicans ‘With a Bat’

CONCORD, N.H.—4RG Chairman Andrew Hemingway is calling for Democratic Gov. Candidate Maggie Hassan to drop out of her race for governor after she agreed that it was “a good answer” for Democrats to literally beat Republicans “with a bat … with your hands … [and] with your feet.”

Hassan, the former Majority Leader for the N.H. Senate, was asked at a Goffstown meeting “How do you plan to beat a Republican?” Democratic operative and Rep. Kevin Hodges, who introduced the candidate at the event, yelled out in reply, “You can beat ‘em with a bat, you can beat ‘em with your hands, you can beat ‘em with your feet.” Hassan was caught on video tape immediately responding, “That’s a good answer.” Please review the video here:

Later, when asked by the press about the comment, Hassan’s campaign manager Matthew Burgess replied that she was just “kidding” about beating other human beings with a bat as if the comment was just a joke.

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Maggie Cilley for Governor – ‘Cause Bill Clinton Says So, that’s Why.

Bill Clinton coming to New Hampshire always has legs.  Democrats love him so it invites ridicule given his history of perjury and infidelity, traits they must admire, and which could be applied seamlessly to almost any portion of the left wing agenda or the manner in which they try to sell it. So Bill is … Read more

Someone Ask Hassan-Endorsing UN Envoy to Haiti Bill Clinton – What Happened to “Building Back Better?”

Bill Clinton will be handing a steaming pile of an endorsement to New Hampshire Democrat candidate (for governor) Maggie Hassan, so while he’s here, can someone ask him what the hell happened in Haiti?

Not that long ago the left was suggesting that Clinton’s ‘Earthquake relief efforts there might be his lasting legacy.  (As opposed to the DNA on the Interns Blue Dress, perjury and impeachment?)  OK.  Well how’s that working out?

About as well as anyone could expect of any global UN relief effort “spearheaded” by a skirt chasing publicity hound like William Jefferson Clinton.

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You Can Force A Public School Student to Pay for a ‘Healthy Lunch’ But You Can’t Make Them Eat It.

school lunch- that no one is eating?Would you be at all surprised to learn that public school students who buy lunch in Public School cafeterias are–after a fashion–getting around the USDA Federal requirement that they consume certain foods with their meal?

Would you be more or less surprised to learn that the federal mandated will cost you as parents and taxpayers more, for no measurable good?


Most public school cafeterias used to provide regular mashed potatoes weekly, and by all accounts, most of the kids were eating them.  But the USDA forced a switch from regular mashed to mashed sweet Potato. (I wouldn’t touch a sweet potato before I was thirty.) Guess what? Most of those Sweet potatoes end up in the trash.

Subversives!  How dare they not eat what we have decided is best for them.

So how about all the mandatory fresh vegetables?  How did they fare?

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Guest Post by Scott Morales – An Origin of Nonsense and Monsters

William GodwinThere have been a number of posts, columns, and interviews regarding Obama’s “you didn’t build that, somebody else did” admission last week, but none that I have seen touch on the origin of such nonsense.  From what I can tell, the earliest work that outlines this belief in depth is William Godwin’s “Enquiry Concerning Political Justice,” published in 1796.  (I must give props to Doctor/Philosopher/Economist Thomas Sowell whose invaluable book “A Conflict of Visions” delves into the origins of political ideologies and has helped me, time and again, regain understanding of the dark side as much as I am able.)

Before I continue, and considering this is a blog, I think I need to draw the distinction between this Godwin (William) and the author of “Godwin’s Rule”, Mike Godwin, so as not to cause any confusion.  Mike’s rule is that, given enough time, invariably an online conversation will invoke Hitler or Nazis.  It’s an interesting little rule, but, alas, I’ve only seen it abused and substituted as an actual argument by the unthinking left when they’re confronted with the reality of where Stateism leads.  It’s like an online version of squeezing your eyelids shut, cupping your ears, stamping your feet, and repeating, “Blah, blah, blah, blah,” as loudly as you can, over and over again, followed by a speedy exit and, once far enough away, downshift into a strut like you just out-debated Daniel Webster.  It’s cute, just not edifying and completely different from William Godwin’s writing.

Anyway, here are a few of good ol’ Bill’s quotes. See if you can glean a few similarities with His Majesty’s latest reductio ad absurdum.  (You may need to read it with a stilted, halting inner dialog to get the full Barry):

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Swing Away Maggie. Swing Away!

One can only imagine the media firestorm that would erupt from Democrat Party Chairman Ray Buckley and his troglodytes if Maggie “Louisville Slugger” Hassan was a Republican. John DiStaso-Granite Status (When) asked by an audience member: “How can you beat a Republican opponent in this state this year?” And just as she begins to answer, … Read more

Making Racists As Needed

MSDNC talking head Toure (Toure’ Too-Rah!) is  a race pimp, or at the very least a race-baiter.    If there was any room for debate about that, he has recently removed all doubt.

Waxing leftist-philosophic on the Aurora Massacre

I would hope that it would be something like a Trayvon Martin situation that would make people think, ‘Wow. wrongful death, even though it’s a legal gun owner. How do we move forward from this situation?’ But so much of this issue, I think comes down to, ‘Let’s make sure law abiding white people are able to have access to guns and make sure that black criminals are not and that becomes part of the locus of the problem.

How about, let us make sure law abiding people have access to guns and criminals do not?  The law protects the rights of self defense for everyone, not that Toure’ would care.  He is too busy in this instance making racist hay and being racist himself, all at the same time.

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New Hampshire Democrat Party Ad – Mostly False…According to Politifact


Let me state upfront that most ‘Fact-checkers,’ those of leftish media entities in particular, are not much different than so-called ‘non-partisan’ groups set up by Democrats.  They exist to mislead people by reinforcing a progressive narrative.  So I provide these observations about this report with a large grain of salt, even though ( in this case) it tends to favor my potions on the issues presented.

PolitiFact has awarded a recent New Hampshire Democrat Party Ad with the distinction of being ‘Mostly False.‘  This would be important if not for the fact that almost everything Democrats actually believe is false to begin with, but let’s play along and see why, in this case, “mostly” proves both PolitiFact and myself correct.

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Candidate Maggie Hassan To Get Clinton Endorsement…

Imagine welcoming the political endorsement of a perjurer and accused serial sex offender?  Well that’s what Maggie Hassan has done.  She is pleased as punch to have the endorsement of former President William Jefferson Clinton of the Lewinsky, cigar, bimbo eruptions, depends on what “is” is fame. Seacoast Online has the goods. “This (endorsement) signifies … Read more

Oh, And By The Way…The Government DID NOT Create The Internet

Mr. ‘Spread-the-Wealth’ “You-didn’t-build-that” Obama is having another bad week after reading a bit too much off the left side of the TelePrompTer.  His Divine Luminance seems to have forgotten what country he is trying to lord over.

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A Spec of Common Sense in McAllen Texas

McAllen Texas- City shelves the plastic bag banMcAllen Texas rests in the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas, right along the border with Mexico.  And for now, at least, McAllen is not hopping on the plastic bag ban train to nowhere.

If you have not been following my recent (bizarre and persistent) interest in this annoy environmental stupidity, towns and cities all over the US are banning what are called “single use” plastic grocery bags (which my family re-uses for all kinds of things so single use is misleading).    The Los Angels California bag ban was what caught my attention–and Lord knows if those moon-bats are on board with it something must be wrong; and there was, or actually is something very wrong.   See “What could go wrong?“, ‘Reusable bags spread norovirus’,  and “Reusable bags may be worse for the Environment.”

Unfortunately,  most of the discussion about bag bans is one-sided.  Or should I say left-sided.

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Some Cool “Ice-T” on A Hot Summer Day

Rapper Ice-T is standing up for the second amendment. “The right to bear arms is because that’s the last form of defense against tyranny. Not to hunt. It’s to protect yourself from the police.” No government can complete it’s path to tyranny, soft, smiley-faced, or hard boiled, while the public remains lawfully armed.  The right … Read more

RLCNH Releases Endorsements & Recommendations for 2012


Media Contact: Carolyn McKinney, chairman, RLCNH, 603-769-4264,

In Order to Ensure Best Republicans Win Primaries, RLCNH Introduces New ‘Recommended’ Candidate Level

CONCORD, N.H.—With the premiere of its Legislative Scorecard that rates representatives and senators on their faithfulness to conservative values, the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire is setting a new bar for incumbents that will hold them accountable to the only political direction that will ensure liberty and prosperity in New Hampshire.

“The RLCNH intends to drive the agenda for the Republican Party in the coming years, and our new scorecard will be one of the tools that we use for this end,” said Carolyn McKinney, chairman of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire. “While we still intend to promote the best outcome for Republican primary elections by recommending candidates who perform well on our incumbent scorecard or candidate survey, we will only endorse and actively support candidates who have truly exhibited a strong commitment to the principles that make our state and country great. Our endorsements will be reserved for the best of the best.”

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Mark Fernald Needs New Material for His Income Tax Arguments

Mark Fernald Wants an Income taxMark Fernald wants New Hampshire to have an income tax before he dies.  It appears to be one of his deepest desires.  So desperate is this need that he is willing to reuse debunked rhetoric to ensure he is not prohibited from having the chance to get one.

Yesterday, over at Windham Patch, Fernald had the income tax equivalent of a recurring rash as “Fair Share class warfare” sores rose up from the page in his opposition to CACR 13.  CACR 13 is a Sttate constitutional amendment that would ban New Hampshire from taxing personal income.  But such a prohibition for Mr. Fernald would be akin to the death of the Grateful Dead’s Jerry Garcia to Dead Heads.  “Well now what do we do with all our free time.”  So Mr. Fernald has gone on the offensive (as in, to offend).

We have a tax system that is made by and for the top 1 percent. The households in New Hampshire with the highest incomes – the 1 percent with incomes $480,000 and up – on average pay just over 2 percent of their incomes in state and local tax. The folks in the middle, on average, pay about 6 percent. The lowest income people have the highest tax burden. They pay, on average, over 8 percent of their income in state and local tax.

I’ve been over this deception more than once, but I am more than happy to revisit it every time Mark wants to bring it up–which will be often between now and Noveber.

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You have to build something else First…

How about those roads and bridges?  How did we get those? Tax dollars. Well where’d those tax dollars come from? Taxpayers Where’d the taxpayers get the money for the government to tax in the first place? Jobs and commerce Where’d those jobs and commerce come from? Someone started a business, exchanged their product or service … Read more

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