Happy Birthday….

…To my daughter Katie.  My youngest child turns 12 today. If you would like to celebrate by donating to a local New Hampshire Republican campaign knock yourself out.  Feel free to donate to the Grok, or buy something at amazon.  Mow your lawn, go about your business, take a trip, nap all day, work on … Read more

Ray Buckley- Another Tall Tale About Budgets, Education, and Bill O’Brien

Ray Buckley with Obama right behind him.  Barry is smilingRay Buckley, Chairman of the New Hampshire Democrat Party is quoted as having actually said this. (DiStaso – Granite Status)

“The people of New Hampshire are more concerned with Bill O’Brien’s behavior acting as the House speaker, his state budget that has New Hampshire in the red, and his policies that have caused a loss of jobs and the cost of education skyrocket.

There is not one thing in this statement that is true.  Not one.

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Democrats Come Up Short on Jobs…Again!

For the umpteenth month, when we needed at least 250,000 jobs just to keep our heads above water, Democrat polices kept us submerged and running out of air.  This month, they missed breaking the surface by only 90,000 jobs, which means that of the roughly 250,000 new people who try to enter the work force … Read more

Another Bad Week For Obama – Solyndra Knocked on The West Wing Door

Bad Jobs numbers, people entering the workforce can’t find employment…and hey, it looks like Obama’s Chief of Staff Bill Daley was briefed about Solyndra’s impending demise six months before it happened and before the White House approved the loan restructuring. So the White House knew about the impending failure, and decided that the major PR … Read more

Democrat House Candidate William Hudson Connery III…Violates DoD Rules?

William Hudson Connery III - Violates the DOD rules for Candidates for political officeWhen he’s not promoting potential vote fraud by out of state college students, or telling us how he can’t stand people of faith, the New Hamphire House Candidate and Socialist Democrat from New Hampshire 17 Rockingham 17, might also be …violating Department of Defense directives.

To your right is a picture of Mr. Connery….in Iraq…in Uniform.  It’s a nice picture.  The status update says…“Just another day in Iraq.”  But it is posted on his Facebook NH House campaign page.

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NH TEA Party Republicans Better At Revenue & Spending Estimates Than Democrats…Again

TEA Party Republicans are smart spenders - NH Revenue looks solid againI know… New Hampshire Democrats were losing sleep in hopes of some politically-beneficial revenue numbers, and guess what?  They were politically beneficial….To TEA Party Republicans.

The Union Leader is reporting that New Hampshire state revenues were slightly above estimates in July, with solid performances that suggest we are budgeting wisely so that the working families and small business owners in New Hampshire can continuing to drag us out of the economic quick sand in which Democrat tax and spend polices have had us trapped.

So How well did the TEA Party Republicans manage your money for July 2012?

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Where the Celebrity Money In Politics Is…As If You Didn’t Know

One of the best sources for large dollar Political Donation history is Newsmeat.com.   I use it often, as regular readers may have noticed, but one of the features I have not used is the ability to look at large lists of Celebrities, Executives, Politicians, Media people, and see their contributions and party preferences.

The donation amounts are total reported (including all single donations of $200.00 or more) since 1978.  Donations under $200.00, if any, are not going to be included.  But you won’t be terribly surprised with the celebrities list–a snippet of which is posted on the jump.  That list includes actors, directors, producers singers, writers, radio personalities and so on. Take note of the % columns and how much is donated to each party or special interest groups.  (Click on the name to see their specific donation history and what groups they support.)

Oh.  They also point out how many winners and losers each has “backed ” in the WIN/LOSS column.  And Newsmeat says the entire list is updated every Monday so it is up to date.  (Newsmeat also has news, by the way.)

The real fun, I think, is looking for which of these popular people actually support Republicans since they are so few and far between compared to the liberal/Progressive support that dominates this industry–and dominate it does.

The Big table…on the jump….is just A through C.  Here’s the link if you want to browse the other parts of the list.

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Ted Cruz Wins Texas Primary

AP c/o Hot Air, calls the Texas US Senate Primary for TEA Party Backed candidate Ted Cruz. The followup should read…. Democrats double down on TEA Party is dead rhetoric. You know… that whole “The Bigger the Lie” thing.

Right Left Divide on The “Knowledge of Wrongdoing.”

Chris Donovan has seven staffers arrested by the FBIDemocrats and the media are all uppity about a Romney staffer yelling at the press.  I guess this is the next ‘Waterloo’ for the Romney campaign.  The fifth or sixth or fiftieth beginning-of-the-end for the GOP (presumptive) nominee.  Clearly a guy with a staffer who would insult the media is unfit for public office?

Meanwhile, the Speaker of the Connecticut State House, Democrat Chris Donovan (who happens to be the Democrat candidate for CT-congressional district 5), had seven members of his campaign staff arrested by the FBI for taking $27,000.00 dollars in campaign contributions to influence votes in the Connecticut state House.

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Schumer’s Magazine Ban. (No, not Newsweek or Time, That Would be Useful.)

Oh No Guns....and magazines...and ammoWhen there is a law breaker with the gun, in a room full of unarmed people whom he (or she) is intent on or willing to kill… eleven rounds is one too many.  Law breakers never carry extra magazines, just like obese people will never think to buy two 15.95 ounce sodas in New York City if that’s what they really want.

But we are talking about liberal-Progressive Democrats.  Maybe the thought of actually having to re-load to kill more people will be the ‘conscious decision’ that stops the criminal from engaging in any kind of gun crime in the first place.

“You mean I can only shoot 10 people before I have to re-load?  I think I’ll go get a job at the Drive Thru instead.”

Nanny-State central planner genius.

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Madame Michelle de Obama Graces New Hampshire With Her Presence…

From the Telegraph de Nashua First lady Michelle Obama is planning a series of campaign stops in New Hampshire this week. She’ll make a swing Thursday through Holderness, Laconia and Manchester. The events include an early afternoon fundraiser in Holderness. That will be followed by grassroots events designed to boost on-the-ground support in Laconia and … Read more

Notable Quotes: Frederic Bastiat

Bastiat, Frederic Bastiat[There] “is this idea that mankind is merely inert matter, receiving life, organization, morality, and prosperity from the power of the state.  And even worse, it will be stated that mankind tends toward degeneration, and is stopped from this downward course only by the mysterious hand of the legislator.

-Frédéric Bastiat

For Barack ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Obama and Elizabeth Warren – and just about every Democrat…

“Life, faculties, production—in other words, individuality, liberty, property—this is man. And in spite of the cunning of artful political leaders, these three gifts from God precede all human legislation, and are superior to it. Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.”


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Did Durham Outsource Cost of Obama Visit…to Other NH Taxpayers?

The town of Durham has reported that the costs of the Obama visit–which the Obama campaign refused to pay for–cost the town $19,851.00.  But it will only cost the anonymous donor around $13,000.00 because… c/o Gretyl MacAlaster -July 31st Union Leader “…town public safety officials were able to reduce local costs through careful distribution of … Read more

Is Obama Even Doing His Job?

From Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart.com The Golfer in Chief has passed 100 rounds, and in one week managed 21 campaign events.  He has attended 163 fundraisers in his re-election campaign, according to Lehay, and then some.  So he’s busy.  Too busy to do his job? Consider this evidence: He’s not received an economic briefing … Read more

Senators Ayotte, McCain, and Graham in Merrimack NH This Tuesday

From NECN MERRIMACK, N.H. (AP) — Former Republican presidential nominee John McCain is returning to New Hampshire to discuss looming defense spending cuts. The Arizona senator, New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte and South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham will discuss defense spending cuts approved by Congress at a town hall meeting in Merrimack on Tuesday. The … Read more

To The Manchester School Board – ‘You know..You’re Breaking The Law, Right?’

I wrote about this back on July 9th.  The Manchester School board voted to cut transportation funding as part of a deal to find the cash to put teachers back on the payroll. At the end of the day, cuts made to public school jobs were reinstated at the expense of school choice and charter … Read more

What The…? How About That NH Ranking Report Thing Take 2…

WordPress ate my post….

Sorry.  I tried to add links from reports released in 2012 to the previous post and WordPress nuked me.  I lost some stuff.  It was a regular Shakespearean tragedy.  But I’m not giving up so let’s try this again.

New Hampshire is awesome and despite  “TEA party Republicans” eliminating the 800 million dollar deficit Democrats admitted to leaving (without raising taxes,)  writing a state budget that came in 1% under actual revenue (without all the tears and chest pounding and left-wing make-believe), and even after they added money to the Health and Human Services budget over the previous budget (shhh, that’s a secret),  we are still one of the best places in the nation to live.  As if you didn’t know that.

Point being, the narrative from the Democrats is the sacrifice of women and children on the TEA Party alter, and that is simply not the case.   In the 2012 reports New Hampshire is number one on children and families, number two on health, and number 1 to 3 on safety in the nation depending on which factors you look at.

Republicans didn’t sacrifice anything but the bad spending and revenue practices left by the departing Democrats.  The Republicans returned us to the kind of stewardship that got us where we are today and saved us from the brink of broad based taxes which would have been the beginning of the end of New Hampshire’s dominance at the top of almost every leading indicator of overall quality of life.

To heck with the chatter, how about some links…

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Jesse Jackson Jr.’s Ailment….[Updated and Bumped]

Jesse Jackson Jr - Moved to Mayo Clinic in MN[Update] Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr., who has been on a leave of absence for seven weeks, has now been moved to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, according to Jason Keyser with the Associated Press.  They have added gastrointestinal issues on top of his pre-existing mood disorder. I’m guessing he is not in the mood to say what he knows about his involvement in the attempted sale of Barack Obama’s US Senate seat and the pressure is getting to him.

I wish him the best but as a pawn of Chicago politics I’m not sure if any amount of prayer or well-wishing can protect him from the stress of knowing too much.

My original post on the “progressive” worsening of Mr. Jackson’s condition is on the jump.

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Where I Give Lessons on Efficiency to Senator Jeanne Shaheen

Government can best improve energy efficiency by starting with less governmentNew Hampshire Senator Shaheen would like me to sign a petition in support of Senate Bill S1000, a piece of legislation she is sponsoring with Senator Rob Portman.  From her email….

While disagreements remain about the right approach to fixing our nation’s energy problems, there are also areas of broad agreement that Congress can act on immediately. Nowhere is that better embodied than in a bill that’s sitting before the Senate, awaiting action: The Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act, S.1000, written by Democratic Senator Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire and Republican Senator Rob Portman of Ohio.

The Shaheen-Portman Act would help make the United States a global leader on the fastest and cheapest method we have for addressing our energy needs, energy efficiency. It encourages more private investment in efficient buildings and manufacturing technologies through low-cost, high-reward programs like strengthening voluntary national model building codes and expanding loan programs to include efficiency upgrades. It gives manufacturers tools for increasing energy efficiency in their supply chain. And it puts the federal government, the single largest user of energy in the country, on track to save taxpayer dollars by using less energy.

There is actually a much faster way to save energy, Senator Shaheen… (and a way we could be much more efficient.)

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UN Small Arms Treaty Collapses – World Blames Obama

Gun Rights win - UN arms treaty collapsesHere’s something you’ll almost never hear.  I’m actually defending Obama here.   Despite what the peacnick globalist gun grabbers think, the collapse of the UN Arms treaty that he would have been more than happy to sign in a New York Minute, despite it violating the Second Amendment of the US Constitution, and our inalienable human right to self defense….it was not (entirely) his fault.

Fifty-One members of the US Senate had already sent the President a letter stating that…as along as small and light arms were in the treaty, they would never vote to ratify it.  It’s that whole separation of powers thing.  Obama can sign whatever he likes but at the end of the day congress has to agree to fund it and in the case of treaties, the Senate needs 67 votes to authorize it.   Forty-nine aint no sixty-seven, even in Chicago.

Of course, as Hot Air point out, Obama chose to engage in the process of advancing this treaty starting back in 2009 so he only has himself to blame.  Which gets me thinking.

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