Candidate Maggie Hassan To Get Clinton Endorsement…

Steve MacDonald

Imagine welcoming the political endorsement of a perjurer and accused serial sex offender?  Well that’s what Maggie Hassan has done.  She is pleased as punch to have the endorsement of former President William Jefferson Clinton of the Lewinsky, cigar, bimbo eruptions, depends on what “is” is fame.

Seacoast Online has the goods.

“This (endorsement) signifies our campaign is about standing up for middle class families and standing against people who would take us backward,”…

How about backwards to a time when skirt chasing misogynists used positions of power to intimidate women into casual sex in the workplace Maggie?

How far back was that?

Well, if you are Talking about the guy endorsing Maggie Hassan, not that far.  He’s got a tail, sorry a trail of women who have been put on the spot–so to speak–when it comes to Bill’s problem.  But it sure is farther than Republicans who only took New Hampshire as far back as the last time revenues matched spending and there was no looming 800 million dollar Democrat deficit to deal with. (circa 2006)

Hassan has to go a lot farther backwards for Clinton.

How about back to a time when men cheated on their wives (at the office) and the women not only had to take it in stride they tried to hide the fact, no matter how unfaithful he was?  How far back do we have to got for that to be en vogue again candidate Hassan?

Who is it that’s going backward again?

She is only trying to impress Democrats right?  Maybe ignoring your own hypocrisy to get a rhetorical pat on the fanny from Slick Willie will be just what she needs to grab those undecided left wing feminists and metro-sexuals who claim to be against all the things Bill Clinton actually did but not only can’t explain their lack of outrage over it, they flock to him in adoration every time he steps foot in the Granite State.

Of course this is a rather large chunk of the Democrat voter base in New Hampshire.  It might just put her over the top.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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