We Tried Our Plan and it Worked….

Red meat, low hanging fruit, softballs?  Call it what you like but whomever is charged with working the mouth on the Obama-Muppet this month is either an idiot themsleves, thinks you are all idiots, or is so disconnected from the reality of America Today that they are dangerous.

‘You didn’t build that’ was a great example but the new Obama wind-up toy phrase of the day is “We tried our plan and it worked?”

The only obvious conclusion anyone with two brain cells to rub together could come to if this is true is that all of this economic destruction and misery was the goal.   If the plan “worked,” then what we have is what Obama wanted.  And Obama has told us that this is why he is running for re-election.  We deserve him and four more years of what works for Obama.  And why not believe him?  Bill Clinton said as much in Nashua the other day

“Nobody paid attention to what they said they would do when they voted,” Clinton said. “Politicians are actually more honest than most people think they are.”

Are we paying attention?

The Romney Campaign is and they didn’t waste any time reminding us what the plan has actually done and what we must therefore expect if Obama is re-elected.


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