White House – Week One Update

We are getting all of the White House updates probably because we did a Trump event a few years back as media and had official White House Press passes. No one forgets an email, I guess, and no, it makes no sense to share them all as they roll in – there are a lot … Read more

It’s Time To Drain The Swamp

The denizens of the Federal Government, all two million plus, continue complaining, kvetching, and crying as Trump introduces them to a feature that MANY of us out here in the private sector have endured for decades: layoffs, firings, company/corporate bankruptcies, and now, buyouts. In the last case, you get the option to resign, and we … Read more

Pastor Lorenzo Sewell prayer at Trump Inauguration

Liberation Day – An Invocation (And What a Prayer It Was!)

Does anyone ever stop to think that an invocation before a meeting or proceedings could be considered in a highlight reel of said meeting? Trump continues to surprise many while bewildering his critics and enemies. Trump’s Inauguration in the Capital Rotunda became a “be wonderment” moment. There were the expected prayers from the various faiths, … Read more

Unidentified postal clerk sorting mail at the Tallahassee Post Office PInterest

“Dense Pack” Is Back – Trump Overwhelms Media From Day One

Hot Air: “Kamala Harris is for they/them,” the ads concluded, and “Donald Trump is for you.” I have written about this political environment before, starting when Obama first took office (paraphrased): What the heck is going on? When we started the ‘Grok, there were usually about 4, or 5 (maybe 5 or 6) major things to … Read more

FDR Big Stick

“…If You Screw With Us?” – The Tale of “The Stick”

A quick funny showing Presidential abilities and outlooks: Heh! Already, some of the Deep State has figured out where this stick ended up: CBP One app that let migrants fly into US shut down as Trump takes office “The CBP One app, a government platform that the Biden administration used to admit more than 740,000 … Read more

Money, Money, MONEY – What Would You Cut?

I remember becoming politically aware that our National Debt was rising and never seemed to take a pause. And I was one of the very few who cared while our DC denizens showed little or no concern regardless of party. And now? At one point, I said that we’d find ourselves, mathematically, unable to pay … Read more

Flame thrower drone

Are We Totally Screwed?

OK, this is long. Steve will shake his head as I describe it as a lot like me getting ready to ask a GrokTALK! participant a question: a long run up and then the question. I’ve justified the habit as if I’m chasing that person into a three-walled canyon so that they’d have to get … Read more

media bias

Will The Media Attempt To Reestablish Some Credibility?

One in four Americans claim they trust the media, But only one in 14 have confidence in the news they’re being fed. Our local ABC outlet is probably in decent shape (sorta), thanks to the democrat fanbase. but amongst Conservative watchers in New Hampshire, it seems to be commonly accepted that, In the 20 years … Read more

How ‘Skinny’ Can It Get?

This was one of those videos that I had to watch over and over as it demonstrates well the philosophy of iterative enhancement design to accomplish a goal. In this case, getting a Lego based car over a bridge (of a sort): Testing a Lego car against narrower and narrower bridges that it needs to … Read more


Another Second Amendment Happy Ending

And Some Lessons In FAFO Nowadays, with over half of the US States (29, in fact) having Constitutional Carry with just shy of 500 MILLION firearms in their private possession, you’d think that even someone with a less-than-stellar belief that stealing is wrong would start to understand that the odds aren’t in their favor. That … Read more

Growth economy business confidence

Illegal Aliens Are A Net Financial Plus?

It seems that WHERE the illegal aliens come from plays a role in where there is a net benefit. Take a look at this chart in which Denmark and the Netherlands economies were studied: My quick take is that those from more Western societies are a net plus compared to those from Africa and the … Read more

Trump’s Supreme Court List


Just a quick post – more later. TikTok vs. Garland A couple of snippets from the SCOTUSBlog live chat: PDF of the decision is at the bottom of this post. Two other non-decision issues came up from some of the commenters: Given that he’s officially relieved of his duties in three days and that most … Read more

Green is the new red green marxism

We Are All One Worldwide Family?

And that we are obligated to act in ways to protect everyone else – even those that we don’t know. There are times when I wonder why I don’t quit earlier but then I remember why I sally forth to confront some of these WAY Leftist folks. Sure, I like the debate, and the more … Read more

John Kerry Lurch PInterest

Those Climate Apocalypse Predictions Have Worn Thin

As I have had to say WAY too many times here at GraniteGrok, I’ve been around since before the first Earth Day. I’ve lived through the mainstream media’s yammering that “We’re all gonna die” – not from Global Warming but from an incipient Ice Age that was descending upon us. For well over 50 years, … Read more

WMUR News 9

What Happened To ABC’s ‘Layers’ of “Fact-Checkers”?

Who let this go through on something as basic as the US Constitution? “Can birthright citizenship be repealed? Breaking down Trump’s proposal.”It looks like another anti-Trump dig, poke, and scree. How dare you make these little children “stateless,” never mentioning their mothers for putting them in such legal jeopardy. And so much for “objective” reporting. … Read more

Karl Marx

Communism: An Historical Snow Job

The many flavors of communism promise a lot while appealing to peoples’ envy. With your support, they will “stick it to the Man” only to turn around and become the “Man,” leaving nothing to envy. From X, a compilation by WretchardTheCat: What a sell job – a snow job, a promise of everything to everyone, … Read more

Fire Engine

Bureaucracy ALWAYS Comes First.

Even in LA right now, where over 10,000 structures have burnt to the ground, rendering people destitute because those former homeowners couldn’t afford the premiums – thanks to the State and its policies on insurance. The Biblical admonition of “Ashes to ashes” has a new meaning for those poor souls. Two Bloglines have arisen from … Read more

Armen Alchian

He Challenged Price Controls in Peking

Who is going to make better economic decisions? A smallish group of self-deluded “we know all that is necessary/we know better than you do” narcissists or millions of people making self-interested decisions outside of anyone’s control? It is the First Law of Supply and Demand: Prices are competed to that level at which people want … Read more

Sherm Packard

Dem Matt Wilhelm Is Right And Republican Sherm Packard Is Wrong … On This

Transparency in Government ought to be the model that EVERYONE can agree. That ordinary citizens know what the “Process” is by which Government (Legislature, Executive, and Judicial branches) operates, AND understand WHY those processes exists as they do. After all, Government should be FOR us and not for Government itself. As you all know, I … Read more

Google logo weird

Google’s Bard Refused to Answer Direct Questions…Part 2

In Part 1, it was clear that the tech staff developing Google’s first Artificial Intelligence offering, Bard, had decided that those who wanted to use it had to be protected from themselves. They aren’t made of strong enough material. The Woke’s “triggering” with an AI-enhanced chaser. “ONLY I can protect you from yourself!”.Yeah, enough of … Read more

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