Does anyone ever stop to think that an invocation before a meeting or proceedings could be considered in a highlight reel of said meeting? Trump continues to surprise many while bewildering his critics and enemies. Trump’s Inauguration in the Capital Rotunda became a “be wonderment” moment.
There were the expected prayers from the various faiths, exactly as expected – familiar words, requests for guidance, and overwatch…and then there was Pastor Lorenzo Sewell. His wasn’t a stolid prayer, given in solemn tones, reverent in attitude – and read like most prayers are at “important” events. Nope, not at all.
This was a heartfelt plea to Heaven and its God. This was a ROUSING sermon! This was a boisterous Appeal to Heaven. This was a “carried away in the moment” in the best tradition of Black churches (yeah, I have to admit – most white churches can be dull – certainly in comparison to this). This, THIS, was an outcry of joy and celebration – wait until about 57 seconds into it.
Let Freedom Ring!
Yes, it put a big smile on my face that lasted well after Pastor Sewell’s time at the mic was over; I watched it several times.
This was not a prepped “prayer speech” carefully written, studied, edited, and practiced repeatedly. THIS was an outpouring from the heart, given the auspicious movement of the day.
Freedom, y’all – it’s what our future now brings.