As I have had to say WAY too many times here at GraniteGrok, I’ve been around since before the first Earth Day. I’ve lived through the mainstream media’s yammering that “We’re all gonna die” – not from Global Warming but from an incipient Ice Age that was descending upon us. For well over 50 years, I’ve been listening to the huge number of dire predictions about “Climate Change” (as if Earth’s climate has been status quo for, oh, hundreds of years (no, it hasn’t – only joking) that will wipe us all out.
And the only prescription has been to:
- “trust the experts”
- “look to Government for salvation”
- Pay more taxes
And lately, from the WEF (World Economic Forum, aka “the Davos Tyrants”), we get “You’ll own nothing but be happy”. Eat your bugs.
And one of the most odious of them all has been that Boston Brahmin, living off his second wife’s first husband fortune, has been Lurch. Otherwise as known as John F. Kerry – former Senator, former Secretary of State, Special Climate envoy to the UN, and general overall blowhard. You can just imagine his “forcefulness” that we MUST, as one of our betters, believe him:

So, how did that work out for him?
The problem for us is that it doesn’t matter to him. Nor any of the other “Climate Prophets of Doom”. It’s like they all are listening to the same lame computer generated climate dreck, just hoping that one time, at some point, that one of their yammer points will come true. And if millions, if not billions, die from it, they can finally self-righteously state “See, I told you so!”.
But in the mean time, they just make our lives more miserable with their stupidity.
Oh wait, isn’t almost EVERYTHING said about Climate Change misinformation, malinformation, or disinformation? After all, just ask Lurch!