“Dense Pack” Is Back – Trump Overwhelms Media From Day One

by Skip

Hot Air: “Kamala Harris is for they/them,” the ads concluded, and “Donald Trump is for you.”

I have written about this political environment before, starting when Obama first took office (paraphrased):

What the heck is going on? When we started the ‘Grok, there were usually about 4, or 5 (maybe 5 or 6) major things to write about and we’d be “contemporary” with other bloggers. We were able to keep up.

Then Obama took the oath and all of that “sluggish slowness” disappeared with the scritching of his pens on Executive Orders. Worse, it was bill after bill after bill going through committees and rapidly reaching Obama’s desk for signature.

“I can’t keep up” was often heard around the Right side of the Blogosphere. We’re drowning…

And that was the point – to ENSURE that we couldn’t keep up. The Democrats kept it up making a lot of us feel “Why bother – there’s too much going on“. It was meant to be deflating. It was meant to make us give up.

Just like being bewildered when Obama started to wield his most potent tool, Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, and we didn’t even know what was being done to us (but I still thank the uber-progressive Zandra Rice-Hawkins for leaving enough clues to what she was trying to do to me at the time). We did, however, figure it out and that Dense Pack was a “tool of that tool box”.

And that was deliberate. It was intentional. The Democrats had their Agenda ready to go WELL before the election. All they had to do was yank the folders off the walls, like postal workers sorting mail (at least in the old days). Or, if you want a different analogy, hundreds of planes on taxiways all waiting for the controllers to voice “cleared for take-off”. They were prepared.

And now, Trump is doing it to the Democrats – just look at all of the Executive Orders he has already issued – 2 days in. And he’s already conferring with US House and Senate Republicans on how to put more of his agenda into place in Law instead of the ephemerally based E.O.s. And Perplexity, when I queried it, listed some of those complaints (emphasis mine):

  1. Journalists have expressed difficulty keeping up with the rapid pace of Trump-related news. A former Washington Post national security correspondent, Greg Miller, summarized this sentiment by tweeting: “Years of chaos in one day,” highlighting the overwhelming nature of covering Trump’s administration1.
  2. Alexandria Neason, writing for the Columbia Journalism Review, captured the burnout experienced by reporters, stating, “I suspect I’m not alone in feeling trapped in the news cycle. Most days, even a brief step away from a laptop or television can put a casual reader of the news far behind1.

These examples demonstrate that journalists have faced and continue to face significant challenges in covering Trump’s policies, statements, and actions, often feeling overwhelmed by the volume, pace, and nature of the news cycle surrounding him.

Heh! Dense Pack right back at ya, ye Progressive / Democrat backing “journalists”. How’s it feel to be on the outside after feeling so great when you were on the very inside of the Democrat machine?

We used to state, when asked how we could so quickly churn out posts on stuff that was happening, the response was “Working at the speed of the Internet”. Being those new and unfamiliar entities called “bloggers”, and us noticing that we moved far, FAR faster than bureaucrats and politicians’ plodding pace, it was apt.

Promises made, Promises kept. Unlike with Obama and Biden, we didn’t know what they wanted to do TO us instead of their ideas of what we wanted to them to do (hint: what their special interest groups wanted – I, for instance, have little use for electric cars and home appliances that don’t work well.)

Trump, however, let us know EXACTLY what he was going to do. And those things are what we told him we wanted which can be summed up in “Make Government leave us alone”: Don’t make the choices for us – let us do it for ourselves. Don’t tell us what we can say – and what we can’t. Don’t make life harder instead of easier. Don’t make things more expensive and tell us “it will be cheaper for you in the long run”. Don’t call us domestic terrorists simply because we are on the other side of the political divide (or, in my case, argue with my school board). Don’t label me as a transphobe just because I put my biology STEM degree to use in understanding that “gender” is just another word for sex (instead of some fantasy world where people can mentally change what they are – and DEMAND we go along with it).

The list could go on and on.

Trump’s ad, with the lines ““Kamala Harris is for they/them. Donald Trump is for you.”, pretty much sums up what is going on. He is representing – the Left desires to RULE. Do represent, one has to listen; to RULE means only listening to yourself.

Which is better for US?

Yeah, that. Dense Pack FOR us, and not TO us.

Democrats provided the model. For years, I’ve whined “Why don’t the Republicans do the same thing when they grab the Levers of Power, instead of having a b**** session of what to do. Again, Trump is a BUILDER, not a politician. Building is planning and executing in as fast a process as possible and that is what he is doing.

How’s it feel to be on the other side?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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