Money, Money, MONEY – What Would You Cut?

by Skip

I remember becoming politically aware that our National Debt was rising and never seemed to take a pause. And I was one of the very few who cared while our DC denizens showed little or no concern regardless of party.

And now?

  • 2004: $7.379 trillion3
  • 2010: $13.562 trillion3
  • 2015: $18.151 trillion3
  • 2020: $26.945 trillion3
  • 2023: $33.167 trillion3
  • 2025 (January 14): $36.201 trillion

At one point, I said that we’d find ourselves, mathematically, unable to pay it back. “Full faith and credit” can only stretch so far. Now, IMHO, it’s the proverbial rubber band about to snap.

And, as I posited, soon, just the interest payments on that debt would become more than we spend on defense and, soon after, become the number one item in the budget. Well, here we are:

So, which of these are constitutionally mandated for the Federal Govt to do?

  • Not Social Security
  • Not Health (and Human Services
  • Not Medicare
  • Not Welfare
  • Not Education

Others would be the Administration, other Federal departments, Foreign Aid, NASA, and the like.

Yet, Congress and the Presidency blithely keep spending us into oblivion.

So what I’d like to know from you Readers, what’s your take on this?

  • What are your ideas what to cut?
  • And by how much (either absolute $$s or percentages)?
  • What should be moved, via the 10th Amendment, to be the sole responsibility of the States
  • One I didn’t mention was Veterans – should that be part of Defense or a “special exception” to the 10th?

And based on your answers, should I go bother our Federal CongressCritters the same questions?

Getting the responses from Guv Ayotte, Senate Prez Carson, and Speaker Packard might be interesting. Yes? No?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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