I Feel Like the March Hare Living in Alice’s Wonderland!

Charles Bradley

As a lawyer in the State of New Hampshire for over 50 years, I am beyond outraged at the recent idiotic decision of the New Hampshire Supreme Court (NHSCOTUS) abridging and destroying parental rights. The leftist intimidation has reached the point where the plaintiff defaults to “DOE” rather than use her Christian name.

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Additionally, the NH judges in the Doe v. Manchester School District majority decided on August
30, 2024, have lost touch with common sense! As a grandfather, I am appalled that Chief
Justice Gordon MacDonald and his acolytes, Patrick E. Donovan and James P. Bassett, turned deaf ears to the plight of a loving mother. The moaning and groaning about the lack of legal precedent proves that our forebearers did not deal in such self-destructive nonsense.

I thank God that Judge Melissa Beth Countway concluded that “a school withholding of such information interferes with the parent’s fundamental right to raise and care for the child.” As a lawyer, I know that well-reasoned, common-sense dissents have frequently led to the reversal of insane judicial majority decisions. The Dred Scott decision is the most well-known.

I am also bitterly disappointed at the complete silence and apparent acquiescence of the members of the NH Bar Association to this atrocious, repugnant decision. Nevertheless, I am not surprised because practicing lawyers fear judicial retribution for even justified criticism.

A Civilization that fails to properly protect the children will not long survive.


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