The Woke War On The US

by Charles Bradley

JFK famously wrote a college thesis: “ WHY ENGLAND SLEPT.” The thesis discussed the failure of the English government and people to recognize the mortal danger of Hitler’s Nazism. That book became a best-seller. Nearly a decade later, Nikita Khrushchev banged his shoe on the U.N. Podium in NYC and screamed, “ We Will Bury You!”. Then Khrushchev asked if he could visit Disneyland. (Query whether Trump had this in mind when he invited Xi to his Inauguration?) 

Charlie Kirk’s new book “ The Right Wing Revolution: How To Beat The WOKE And Save The West.” bangs a shoe on our heads, explains why America sleeps, and provides a detailed description for America to wake up. Charlie proves that “WOKENESS” is the official ideology of the Demolitioncrats. and the federal government and a nearly incurable disease. WOKENESS may be defined as a petty, backward-looking, mean-spirited political theory.

Charlie’s solutions require personal awareness and sacrifice, as well as a revival of the Ten Commandments as the blueprint for a moral society rather than “ living with the vacuous nihilism of modernity.”  He demands the removal of modern poisons from our lifestyles: substance abuse, pornography, and addiction to smartphones and television. Finally, the demise of WOKENESS requires that we protect our children from WOKE indoctrination by our educational systems and our universities.

Let’s arm ourselves to win the “War On Woke.” Read Charlie Kirk’s book.

Thanks to Charles Bradley for the Op-Ed. As a reminder, authors’ opinions are their own and may not represent those of Grok Media, LLC,, its sponsors, readers, authors, or advertisers. Submit Op-Eds to

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