George Soros and his fellow looney-tune billionaire shysters have turned our courts into a Purgatory where the most courageous among us are sent to suffer. Any competent lawyer would stand on his head to keep his clients out of the courtroom! Soros and his looney-tune billionaires, through nefarious means, created a court system where the process is the punishment.
The litigant list is endless: Rudi Giuliani, Steve Bannon, and Peter Navarro, to name a few. Even our conservative media never asks these shyster lawyers, “Who is paying your fees?” “How much do you charge an hour?” “What is your retainer fee?”And “Show us your latest bill.”
Instead, the media presents the criminal, who is threatening violence, as a “sad sack” suffering from the latest heroic act by an American hero. Think Daniel Penny and Daniel “Colton” McAbee. The legal ruse seems endless while the American Bar Association and most American lawyers remain silent, apparently invoking the Fifth Amendment.
However, I hope, think, and pray the American public is beginning to see the light as St. Paul did many centuries ago on the road to Damascus. Let’s demand sunshine be thrown on these nefarious lawyers and their billionaire donors who pay their outrageous legal fees.
Thanks to Russ Payne for the Op-Ed. As a reminder, authors’ opinions are their own and may not represent those of Grok Media, LLC,, its sponsors, readers, authors, or advertisers. Submit Op-Eds to
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