Charles Bradley

The 2024 presidential election will decide the future of our children, grandchildren, and the United States of America. Unfortunately, my grandchildren do not have a vote to save their future and that of America. Therefore, I feel compelled to beg those who can vote to use common sense when they vote. So, let’s look at the policies of the two Presidential candidates. 

Thanks to Charles for the op-ed: send yours to

President Donald Trump will: 

  1.  Seal the border and deport the unlawful border crossers beginning with the murderers and rapists. 
  1.  Restore American economic vitality, as he did before, with “Drill, Baby, Drill,” bringing back $2.00 per gallon gas, igniting our economy, and reducing inflation from the Biden-Harris inflationary disaster of 20+% to 2% annually. 
  1.  No tax on tips. 
  1.  No tax on overtime 
  1.  No tax on Social Security. 

Kamala Harris will: 

  1.  Maintain Open Borders, allowing another 15 million unlawful border crossers who the Democrats will allow to vote. 
  1.  Destruction of our youth and educational system by promoting DEI, SEL, and CRT, which Trump will eliminate. 
  1.  Defund the police and help fund ANTIFA and BLM to continue the destruction of America’s great cities, as she and Tim Walz did in Minneapolis. 
  1. Ban fracking for energy independence and continue to drive up energy even higher than $3.50 in NH and over $5.00 in California. 
  1.  Continue the endless wars the Democrats have funded abroad to finance the Military-Industrial Complex, which Trump will dismantle. 

Finally, let’s remember the International Mafia Complex of China, Russia, Iran and North Korea. Trump corralled these monsters. Biden-Harris sent Iran $100 million to finance the Middle East terrorists and help Iran build a nuclear bomb while allowing China to terrorize TAIWAN.  

I’m not telling anyone how to vote but to use common sense! 


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