ice Image by Brigitte from Pixaby

Early Freeze Traps 18 Ships in Arctic Sea Ice

Nothing says “global warming” like unexpectedly cold temperatures.  That’s why they rebranded is climate change and then climate chaos and then super random weather that’s your fault, no matter what. And it matters, especially to the freighters trapped in arctic sea ice that’s not supposed to be there.

Arctic Sea Ice, and Google’s Search Results “Reality”

The Danish Meteorological Institute’s most recent data shows Arctic Sea Ice Extent rapidly approaching the 1981-2000 mean. Rapidly. But if you Google “Arctic Sea ice 2018” you will find a series of headlines on the subject of the 2018 arctic minimum. I didn’t search the annual arctic minimum. In the absence of other details “minimum” was … Read more

Arctic Sea Ice Truth vs. the “Expert’s” Science

Global Warming theory claims that carbon dioxide generated by man-made activity is dooming the planet. The solution is to let the government use your money to pay “scientists” to produce “results” that support this conclusion so politicians can raise taxes and expand government intervention to address the “problem.” The problem with the problem is not just that … Read more

Sea Ice Coverage vs. Polar Bear Population Predictions

The bears are not cooperating. Data collected between 2007 and 2015 reveal that polar bear numbers have not declined as predicted and no subpopulation has been extirpated. Several subpopulations expected to be at high risk of decline remained stable and five showed increases in population size. Another at-risk subpopulation was not counted but showed marked … Read more

Increased Sea Ice Now Caused by ‘Climate Change’

Remember when the Climate Cult said our children would never see snow in New Hampshire because of Global Warming but the snow wouldn’t cooperate, so it was decided that all that snow was caused by Global Warming? The same thing is happening with sea ice in the Arctic. Large Canadian Arctic climate change study canceled due … Read more

“Vanishing” Arctic Sea Ice Same Thickness As 1940

Vanishing Arctic Sea Ice™ continues to be the lead Global Warming story. All the most reputable climate cult propagandists claim the ice is thinner. Its demise is imminent. What will become of us? Sandwich-board wearing prophets roaming digital streetcorners shouting about the end of the world. But the perennial ice today is the same thickness reported in … Read more

Zooey Zephyer

When Will Zooey Be Seated In The Oval Office

Zooey Zephyr is an American politician and university administrator representing Missoula in the 100th district in the Montana House of Representatives. Zooey found herself in the spotlight this week when she organized a disruption of Montana House proceedings to protest a bill banning gender-affirming care for transgender youth in Montana. On April 18, Rep Zephyr … Read more