Another Sign of the Apocalypse – Hudson Bay is Getting Colder – Sea Ice lasting Longer

by Steve MacDonald

Jet-setting elites and politicos tell us the world is in danger. CO2 is choking the atmosphere. Cheap, abundant energy is to blame. And if we do not act soon, the earth will reach a tipping point of no return. Again. No, I meant now. Okay, in x number of years. Not those years, these years.

And only the government can save you from yourself.

The latter is true if the thing from which we need “saving” is keeping more of what we earn. They can save us from the threat of too much mobility, liberty, and opportunity. The party of choice is more interested in making that choice than allowing you that luxury.

Climate Chaos, Climate Change, Global Warming, Global Cooling, New Green Deal, Davos, Paris, Kyoto, the UN, and others all carry water with a much older pedigree. One as old as human life. How do we control them? This is only a problem in WesternDemocracies where the people were told at some point that they had the power.

Related: Electric Vehicles Producing More CO2 than Gas Powered Transportation

In Europe and most of its colonies, they never gave it up, so giving up what little they had came easy.

America never had a monarchical ruling class but those “in charge” act as if they are and pine for ways to secure it in perpetuity. Global Climate Change Policy does that and it is all it does. It exists to do no more than shift a free-market capitalist economy into a planned economy managed by elites.

Klaus wants you to eat bugs. Bill Gates can’t keep a marriage together, but he’s pretty sure he can get you to go all-in on synthetic meat. The Zuckerbergermeister and the people at ‘Fatesbook’ are controlling “the signal.” Google has gone from committing to the truth to defining it and punishing anyone who eyes some other. And they are all pushing the Lie in Climate Change.

Related: Alleged “News” Agency Will Spend 8 Million Dollar “Donation” to Fund Biased Reporting on Climate Change

That’s probably three hundred words too many to get to the point. The media is cooperating, but the planet is not, including Hudson Bay. A twenty-year study has determined that since 2000 “73% of the 15 sites considered have been cooling and 67% have experienced a lengthening of sea ice duration.”


“The interannual trends in fast ice duration over the 2000–2019 period (Figure 2d) show that the fast-ice duration along the west coast of Hudson Bay has been decreasing at a rate of 1–6 days per decade. All other locations across Hudson Bay and James Bay, with the exception of Moosonee, have experienced increasing fast-ice duration. This increase has been particularly notable in Sanikiluaq and Chisasibi, where fast-ice duration increased at 9 and 6 days per decade, respectively.”


More ice for longer is never a sign of warming.

Yes, Hudson Bay is but one place on the globe, a point I often make when poking the Planeteers in the eye. But given the doomsday language and scenarios they espouse from pulpits, lecterns, and newsrooms, without warming, there is no threat.

Warming itself is not even a threat. There is no evidence the damage they claim has or will happen, none that the heat they claim it will cause is bad, and none that government, even if that was its goal, could do anything about it.

Cheap energy is not a threat, and your diet and lifestyle are not a threat. They are the threat, and we need to keep finding ways to show that to people and the actual harm that just playing along will cause.

Harm you can see today.

We have energy inflation, food inflation, and (increasingly) a government that will be unable to do one of the few things it should; protect America. This is the promise of the green agenda kept; Jet-setting elites and politicos, and then everyone else. And it only gets worse the longer they are allowed to perpetuate this agenda.

It only gets colder as well, we are – after all – at the beginning of a grand solar minimum.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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