Every time I think we’ve milked this cow for as much spoiled milk as it’s worth, something makes the political pressure to move everyone to electric vehicles more ridiculous, especially in places where it gets cold.
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Electric systems bleed power under normal circumstances through transmission loss, so every use or “fill up” of your Electric chariot is dumping some of that “fuel” onto the ground, so to speak. It can add as much as 13% to the cost of every charge. That’s generated electricity you pay for that you don’t get to use.
Multiply that by thousands or millions of vehicles.
You’ll have a further decline in efficiency in cold weather.
If you lose power – which will be more often than ever as “we” expand to inefficient weather-dependent generation – how then (genius!) will you charge that decreased-range paperweight in your driveway?
“How often in Maine do people lose power?” Morris posited. “Especially in the winter, if they lose power, they’re not going to be able to charge their vehicle.”
It is common in the Northeast to have storms knock out power for days or even weeks. Run the generators, but are you prepared for that additional load, and will you even have a generator (the same folks at war with your current ride are after those too)? Some of those folks are in Maine and on a mission to transition to electric vehicles, which are expensive and impractical, but especially in a state like Maine. Big, rural, wintery.
We just wrote about their insane proposal to begin a shift toward EV freight and delivery vehicles. It’s ridiculous, but the evil progressive heart wants what it wants without much thought to the details. One former California resident who now lives in Maine spoke at a hearing about the proposed EV plan.
“Don’t turn Maine into California,” he said defiantly.
Barkley wasn’t done, adding that Governor Gavin Newsom’s (D-CA) example is not one that Maine should follow.
“I am not a fan of any of these policies,” he explained. “We don’t need Gavin Newsom and the policies of California to come in here to Maine.”
John did not look at the small print before he chose Maine. It is a primarily rural landscape (yeah!) ruled by its progressive cities (boo!), much like Oregon and Washington State, and is “Pining” to follow Vermont into the same Liberal ‘sh!t hole.
Governor Mills is quick to point out that “she is against adopting the sort of policy proposed by the Environmental Protection Board,” but that is not entirely true. As a Democrat, her goal is to advance Democrat ideas. To be one of the collective. She doesn’t want to be some backward Dem from backwater Maine. The Newsoms of her party will make fun of her. No useless commuter rail to nowhere? No EV mandate? Well, I see you did pass abortion from conception until puberty. Still, you’ll need assisted suicide for the poor and people we label mentally challenged (political opponents), or you can’t come to the Trotsky Dance of the Commie Cotillion.
Related: Would You Drive an EV if You Knew The Human Cost?
So Maine’s got problems. Especially in an EV in January. Stuck in a traffic jam for hours. In the snow and cold. As the cars run out of charge. No way to charge them, no lights, no heat.
Only FEMA will have fuel-powered generators because the Biden administration regulated them into unaffordability or out of existence (or will). And in that situation, how do you get them where they are needed? Helicopters?
And John, those EV delivery and freight trucks Maine wants everyone in will also cost a fortune which will add another ‘cost of everything’ to the cost of everything because they will carry less (bridge and road weight limits), which means more of those trucks and all the carbon emitted to make them and break them when they die way before their time, like us, which as we know is the true goal.