Gas Can

When Gasoline is $100 per Gallon

It is a mathematical fact that gasoline in the U.S. will eventually rise to $100 for a gallon (perhaps $130 for those interested in higher octane). This is not fear-mongering but basic arithmetic and economics.  Here’s why.

gas prices creeping up

Just How Expensive Will a Gallon of Joe’s Gasoline Get?

With Joe adding new records to his resume every day, we feel obligated to ask. The US just experienced the highest price for a gallon of gasoline ever on its way to the “highest ever” again, maybe every day, and for how long?

corn cornfield original Photo by Katherine Volkovski on Unsplash

Politics: Why is Ethanol in Gasoline Suddenly Bad for the Environment? (When it Always Was)

The government has been forcing corn ethanol into your gas tank for a while now, and it’s been a scientific fact that this was bad for engines and emissions. That’s been crazy talk for ten years, but there’s been a disturbance in the political force. Suddenly ethanol is bad.

Gasoline Gas Pump

The Latest Trend in Tyranny: Slovenia Introduces New COVID Vaxx-Based Gasoline Restrictions.

Slovenia has introduced new COVID vaccine-related restrictions on your ability to fuel up your vehicle. The goal is to pressure people into getting jabbed, so is this a new low in the globalist obsession?

toilet paper caer haording Larry Alton Coronavirus - swarm

If Americans “Hoarded” Liberty like Toilet Paper or Gasoline…

The latest crisis that is not “the real crisis” is gasoline. Not everywhere. The southeastern united states panicked after a hacker incursion promoted Colonial to shut down its pipeline. It was not unreasonable, exactly. Stations ran out of gas.

hand water help sea level

Making Gasoline Cost More Won’t Stop the Natural Geologic Process of Vertical Land Motion…

Sea Level Rise Fraud is a thing. Regular readers will be familiar. It’s an issue the left thinks will activate “regular people” to support their mass-confiscation of their incomes. Which in the northeast, when it comes up, should always be followed with this question.

Oil well pump Oil and GDP

Hey Democrats! What’s the Plan for the 6000 Things we Make from Oil Besides Gasoline?

Part of the problem with Democrats, and there are plenty of them, is that their obsession with keeping oil in the ground is not just impractical; it is impossible.


Why Isn’t Your Gasoline Pushing $4.00 per Gallon? We Blocked Democrat Policy, That’s Why

Venezuela is a major oil producing nation and unless you missed it that country is a mess. Iran is dealing with “crushing sanctions™” that will expand to other nations who continue to buy their oil as of today. OPEC cut production quotas in January. Why is gas in the US still so cheap?

NH tax taxes Democrat taxes

NH Democrats Propose New Carbon Tax on Gasoline, Heating Oil, Gas, Coal, and Wood

New Hampshire Democrats are proposing a tax that would hike the price you pay for gasoline, heating oil, propane, and electricity produced by coal, oil, gas, or wood. All of that. And, everything else. The bill calls for a fee based on the per-ton emission of carbon dioxide, starting at $20 per ton in 2020 … Read more

The Fed’s Fiat Money Is the Real Cause of Price Inflation

By Tom Mullen | Mises Wire – During election years, incumbent presidents are routinely blamed for every societal ill during the previous four years. And almost nothing is riper for the picking than a significant rise in consumer prices. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), prices are currently increasing at a rate of … Read more

Do We Finally Have a Peace Ticket?

By Ron Paul | Ron Paul Institute – Just as the Harris/Walz campaign was looking for a boost from the content-free Democratic National Convention last week, real drama broke out that pulled the country’s attention back toward Republican candidate Donald Trump. Rumors had been swirling for days that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. might suspend his … Read more

VT Gov Phil Scott

Learning the Wrong “Phil Scott” Lessons

Phil Scott is by some accounts the most popular governor in the United States with an approval rating of around eighty percent. Ergo, lots of political pundits and big dollar donors who want to change the direction of state policy advise aspiring politicians to “be like Phil” to get elected. Yes and no. But mostly … Read more

EV Fees Should Go to Road Maintenance and Repair

The recent—and unfortunately more regular—flooding Vermont has experienced since last summer has damaged a lot of infrastructure, but the impact on our roads due to washouts is a big one—and an expensive one for the state and local municipalities. This raises a critical question of where the money is going to come from to fix … Read more

Housing Crisis Squeezes Americans Into Dollhouses

Homebuilder Lennar Corporation recently faced criticism for using misleading photographs to advertise new residential homes in the Fort Worth area. The dubious advertising allegedly concealed the fact that the 763-square-foot houses crammed together on postage-stamp lots were selling for $197,999. Various social media critics condemned the mini row-housing as “kind of like communist housing meets … Read more

Fossil Fuel Companies Won’t PAY for “Climate Change” – Vermonters Will

Vermont has just done something hailed by Climateers as groundbreaking and memorialized by The Week with the headline: ‘Vermont becomes first state to make fossil fuel companies pay for climate change.’ Really?

EV charging electric vehicle

Is EV Manufacturing Exceeding Demand?

Car manufacturers make little, if any, money on EV sales. A dearth of charging stations discourages new buyers, who are also put off by high sticker prices. Sales of new electric vehicles have dropped off, as have used resale values.

An Obvious Fix

The 2024 Presidential contest is unique in that both candidates’ records are publicly reviewable. This has rarely occurred, and never were they so diametrically different. This available data nullifies the usual campaign boasting and promising and may simplify the choice.

More Bad News for The ‘Energy Transition’ – There Isn’t Enough Copper for EVs, Forget The Rest of It

If you hear a politician or one of their fanatical followers mouthing off about net zero, the energy transition, or achieving some arbitrary reduction in emissions by a date earlier than, say, 2150 CE or 130 ACE (after the covid era), call bullsh!t. Don’t worry, we’ve got receipts.

Biden’s “Social Justice” Undermines Food Supplies

A recent report by the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) concludes that Tyson Foods is responsible for dumping billions of gallons of contaminated water into American waterways. Though efforts to curtail water pollution are surely important, aspects of the so-called “scientific” report are cause for pause.

farmland crops barley

The World Bank’s Recipe for Globalist Food Control

A recent report produced by the World Bank leaves no doubt that what has unfolded against farmers in Holland, Belgium, and France is a precursor to globalist plans of food control and all food production (and diet choices) for humanity in the name of rescuing the planet from cows and destructive agriculture.