An Obvious Fix

Jim Bowman

The 2024 Presidential contest is unique in that both candidates’ records are publicly reviewable. This has rarely occurred, and never were they so diametrically different. This available data nullifies the usual campaign boasting and promising and may simplify the choice.

Such an offering, if common sense is still in play, shows that one side is such a total failure that it’s a stretch even to award a “participation trophy” when screwing up has been this damaging and dangerous!

Our political world has been in a reset mode for roughly the last ten years, mainly due to the influence of a non-career candidate who eventually refused payment for his service to our country. Say what? This rare sacrifice has been absent since President Washington. Between these bookends of patriotic integrity are the legions of bureaucrats who seek both the maintenance of power and self-betterment at any cost.

So, comparatively speaking, this division is so stark that the political bias that normally fuels all campaign seasons now centers upon name-calling and slanderous accusations, which are strengthened by this blatant, in-your-face lying, which typifies the desperation from contending against a truthful opponent.

Today’s political restructuring has been a long time in coming since one side has operated in these falsehoods, which over time have been believed in part because “that’s the way it’s always been.”

Occasionally, a truthful approach was presented but neutralized by an avalanche of distortions and false propaganda. In the early fifties, Ohio’s conservative Senator, Robert Taft, was about to be the Republican candidate until “the hero” of WWII, Eisenhower, switched parties and bested Taft in the primary. Then there was Sen. Barry Goldwater in 1964, who was hammered in the media and was falsely connected in a TV commercial depicting a little girl plucking flower petals as an atomic mushroom cloud rises in the background. This slanderous but frightful example signaled future distortions, ala, Trump will start WWIII if elected!

However, the difference between back then and 2016 was the element of surprise. The latter contest featured one side joking, even guaranteeing that Trump would “never be President.” Some were so confident, they even pleaded for him to enter the race, while considering it to be just another promotional stunt from a showman. They failed to listen or even notice that his heart rang with loving words of praise for his country! His opposition was ultimately shocked but the Country benefited greatly!

As stated, today presents a probable election certainty by undeniable comparisons. One side has proven to be beneficial, while the other has yet to promote one problem-solving initiative or simply even one worthwhile suggestion! This feat seems almost impossible when being the leader of the country he is trying to “unify” but actions speak louder than words, always have and always will!

So this is the stage on which the opponents will vie for our Presidency. We need not list the negatives versus the positives, however, maybe a deserving comment or two.

First, why the re-opening of our borders so that who knows who enters but more unsettling, who cares? From this anti-American policy, voters are left wondering just which country our President is serving! Secondly, is the prostitution of this climate hysteria at the point that the gasoline engine is such a devastating enemy that we now must buy electric vehicles! Imagine this “must buy” edict in “the land of the free!” In addition, this Presidential “uniter” has just about outlawed all of America’s oil production while continuing to close our fossil-fuel-generating plants.

No longer can lofty promises combined with slandering the opponent carry the election season to success since campaigning must tackle the impossible task of putting a mask on an ineptness that borders upon treason!

When the lies are intended to dismiss what has already been personally witnessed, the “jig is up!” What else is left? I shuttered to think, especially when talk surfaces about whether Secret Service protection is still warranted when the protected one is a convicted felon! This is a very precarious atmosphere and one that truly defines the meaning of this November.


  • Jim Bowman

    Originally from Philadelphia, Jim is a widowed Vietnam vet, father of two (son & daughter), three grandchildren, a retired boilermaker, and an op/ed writer for approx 35 years. He has two published books  -Our American Being, Righteously Free, and 2011’s The Roar of Ours.

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