biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok! Also, I strongly urge – if you can – that you support the Grok!

Letter to the Editor in Rebuttal of “Anonymous”

Recently, Granite Grok published an opinion piece entitled “Something Smells Like Rotten Fish.” I agree: the rotten fish is the anonymous author. My name is David Goethel. I am a semi-retired commercial fisherman with over fifty-five years’ experience and the author of the book Endangered Species, which describes my life as a small boat fisherman … Read more

Night Cap: Social Justice Inflation — Is that the plan?

This is an older article, reprinted here because it is even more relevant that in 2021. But also, when people “forecast” the future — whether meteorologists, fortune-tellers, stockbrokers, or lawyers drafting contracts, the proof is in the pudding: were they accurate?

From Live Free or Die to Come Here and Die

First, the so-called elites promoted Eugenics, which led to forced sterilization laws. Then it was abortion, first decriminalized in California and New York, and then decriminalized by the now overturned Roe v Wade decision.

G.E.T. R.E.A.L! T: Transportation Infrastructure (AKA Fix the Roads!)

G.E.T. R.E.A.L. is a solemn promise and a positive path forward for our state by Vermont Republicans focused on improving the quality of life of our people. It is a prescription of policy proposals, and this is the fourth in a series of essays explaining the program.

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Meme Overflow

As promised in Monday Memes, I have an overflow. My meme cup runneth over.  And yes there will be a Friday edition too.

YC EV Garbage Truck

Fleets of EV Trucks Are an Impossible Dream

California has led the nation in a climate-saving push for EV tractor-trailer trucks to replace diesel power. Fiction eventually runs aground on reality, in this case, the economic, environmental, and scientific facts that the California Legislature ignored when it implemented impossible mandates for gleaming fleets of EV trucks.

Empty pockets

G.E.T. R.E.A.L! G: Global Warming Solutions Act Reform

Members of the Vermont House and Senate passed the Global Warming Solutions Act (GWSA) in 2020 over the veto of Governor Scott and every elected Republican.

ICYMI – Why Food Is About To Get Very Expensive

Americans are witnessing frighteningly high rates of inflation—gasoline prices have increased by 10 cents a day lately, it seems. Interest rates are rising and set to continue shooting up, compounding home affordability hampered by a seismic spike in home and land prices.

Recession financial downturn economy

Biden Ignores The Facts When Praising Bidenomics

If You look up Bidenomics in the dictionary, you won’t find the made-for-TV term. If it could be found, the definition would read: Bidenomics Noun 1. A political term to define the state of the economy with total disregard for metrics or reality. Biden and his team continue to brag about the impact of Bidenomics … Read more

It’s Time to G.E.T. R.E.A.L. About Vermont’s Future

Our state is facing multiple crises, mostly self-inflicted, the result of policies enacted by a Democrat supermajority made up of activists who are either out of touch with the real needs of Vermonters or are too wrapped up in their own ideology to care.

biden ice cream cone

Biden Winning in 2024 is More Urgent Than … Climate Change.

After investing billions of taxpayer dollars in electric vehicles (EVs), the Biden administration is making a sharp dogleg on ambitious targets for implementation. In an effort to court United Auto Workers (UAW) ahead of the 2024 election, President Joe Biden is now seeking a bevy of delays in his climate change plans.

Jan Brady Meme Russia Russia Russia

Biden Administration Blames Putin For US Inflation

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre recently blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin for inflation in the US. Much like blaming the border crisis on Republicans despite years of Trump wrangling to “Build That Wall,” this effort to project American inflation onto Putin’s shoulders rings hollow.

The Demise of the Electric Vehicle

The nation’s recent deep freeze stranded many expensive electric vehicles (EVs) with drained batteries, often in front of charging stations equally disabled by the cold. Warmer areas like California, where some 39% of EV car owners reside, do not abuse their batteries with the harsh seasonal winters that threaten many regions of the nation and … Read more

The Corn Ethanol and Water Pollution Boondoggle

Climate change activists increasingly target agriculture as a primary source of greenhouse gas emissions and pollution. Too often, this translates into condemnation of gentle cows or the pleasures of meat-eating instead of drawing attention to proper farming practices and land management. This is especially true with respect to water use and the ethanol industry. Water … Read more

Night Cap: Presidential Candidate Asks an Extra-Terrestrial for Advice on War, Food Shortages, etc.

Mary Maxwell: Hello ET, I have never interviewed an Extra-Terrestrial before. In fact, it’s difficult for me to believe that there are creatures out there who are somewhat like humans.

Derailed train rail boondoggle

Night Cap: Biden Spending Off the Rails?

The White House announced earlier this month multi-billion dollar spending on a high-speed rail system for the nation. But President Joe Biden has already participated in a project with this exact promise – without delivering results. Indeed, some of the Barack Obama-Biden rail projects have been abandoned; most have run over projected costs.

Gas Can

Climate Council Can’t Decide Which Tax It Likes Best

First question: Why do we even have a Climate Council at this point? Why have we ever had one? All these twenty-three (twenty-two, really, because the corrupt Speaker of the House has refused for over a year to appoint a representative from the Fuel Dealers as required by law) unelected, self-important bloviators do is sit … Read more

Leafblower leaves on ground pexels-paris-lopez-9620213

Leaf Blow Me!

The war on common sense isn’t limited to gender conflict. The same people taking things away from women are keen on robbing everyone else of something. Washington State Rep. Amy Walen has proposed a bill banning gas-powered landscaping equipment. My first thought?

Was This a Hate Hoax or was This Black Woman Part of the Hate MLK Crowd?

In the new black century, the race-baiters have been working overtime to undermine one of their own. MLK, once an icon of the civil rights movement, can no longer be honored as he once was. The color of your skin is the only thing that matters, and it must be black.