Emissions Update: Rice Is Wrecking The Planet

The list of things that are bad for the planet is a lot shorter than people have been led to believe. In truth it consists of Marie-Antoinette-like globalists and the political muppets who use your money to fund their destructive agenda. Wait, no. It’s not. It’s rice!

Yes, rice. One of the cheapest bulk foods available to keep billions from starving is bad for the environment. At least that’s what AFP (not that one, a different one) is saying.



There are plenty of problems with this, not the least of which is that methane – like most of the scams – is overrated as a threat.

The second link notes that increased co2 has resulted in massive plant growth, which, when it rots, releases methane which, given the abrupt decline in solar activity at the end of the modern warm period, means less ozone to help it on its way. Measured increases are a product of natural forces that random acts of environmental virtue-signaling will not change were change even necessary (it is not).

And yes, the gas stove ban that wasn’t a ban that will ban more than half the gas stoves was about methane. Rice, and farming in general, has been a target for years, but is going after rice going to hold global warming water?

According to the World Economic Forum, half the world’s population lives on rice as their primary food source, with Brazil being the only major producer of this essential foodstuff outside Asia.


Rice production by country


These folks are a bunch of rice racists, but neither China nor India is likely to stop growing and selling rice which means over 50% of the alleged emissions continue and likely increase as they pick up the slack from any nation that falls for this idiotic ploy.

And rice still gets more expensive.

In other words, much like fossil fuel use and environmental concerns, Western Countries will force their people to tighten their belts, do with less, and pay more for zero environmental gain.

And that’s deliberate. The Western environmental movement is mostly about punishing rich countries to the benefit of poorer ones. If a few million people starve to death or die depopulation is on their bucket list too.


HT | NewsWars

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