New Research: If You Are Serious About Reducing Emissions You Need To Start with the 1%

During the Obama Era (early years), the idea of the one-percenter took hold. We can thank the Marxist Occupy Wall Street movement for making it stick. But if we are the 99%, and pretend to care about “emissions” and the Climate, it might be time to occupy some brain cells.

New research indicates that if emissions are a concern, the one percent and the 0.1% need to address their emissions equity problem.

A bunch of researchers associated with universities in Massachusetts have published a report titled, “Assessing U.S. consumers’ carbon footprints reveals outsized impact of the top 1%.” It’s dry and painfully dull for almost anyone (like most Supreme Court Rulings), but the highlight reels can be illuminating.


From 1996 to 2019, national average household emissions declined 16%, from 49.4 to 41.7 t CO2e (t). Deciles 1–9 show net declines between 16 and 23%. Decile 10 likewise shows an overall decline (6%). However, when decile 10 is broken into the top 1% and next 9%, we find an interesting divergence. The next 9% behaves like deciles 1–9 and declined 14%. Conversely, we estimate the top 1% emissions increased 23%. This is dominated by the top 0.1% increasing emission 50%, …”


The Climate Cult should consider you -normal Jane and Joe – a good citizen. Over the past two-plus decades, you’ve reduced your “emissions” by 16%. Even a few very well-off folks have matched you in their emissions reduction. But when you get to that blessed one percent, a few of whom are the loudest voices preaching “emissions” mythology, emitted 23% more over that period, while the top 0.1% increased their emissions by 50% (which includes the Obamas, Pelosis, Kerrys, Kennedys, Soros, Gates, and more).

If you are wondering who else some of those folks are, at least a few flew private jets to Davos, Switzerland, this week. They have “emitted” to plot ways to take more from you in the name of whatever false god they care to name. Climate, Public Health, and Over-Population are currently quite popular deities in the New World Order Pantheon. They have gathered to worship and offer sacrifice: you or your lifestyle.

But suppose the accumulation of CO2 puts an endangered bee in your globalist climateer bonnet than accumulated wealth (odds are it’s both). In that case, the 1% and the 0.1% could immediately impact your imagined crisis by setting an example instead of trying to make one out of us.

How about that for a reset?



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