An Inconvenient Truth About Recycling

The New Republic was gobsmacked by a 2022 report that claimed only 5-6% of plastics entering the recycling stream in America were actually recycled. Most of them are relocated until they end up in landfills, incinerated, or in a turtle’s nose photo-op.

We recycle - recycling bin

Greenwashing: The Lies We Tell of Recycling and the Climate

In gauging the promises of climate rescue by corporations and non-governmental organizations, citizens must reflect upon the track record of past technological projects peddled as the cure to all that ails us. EVs, wind turbines, and solar panels are touted as absolutely necessary to save the planet.


Greenpeace Admits That Recycling Doesn’t Work and is Probably Worse for “The Environment™”

When lefty green meanies issue mea culpa’s, it makes for good blogging, but I always remain skeptical. Take Michael Moore, for example. Planet of the Humans made it clear that neither wind nor solar was viable or capable. A fool’s errand, yet the Left has tripled down on the agenda. So, what’s the point?

Merrimack Mandates Masks in their Recycling Center – Why?

Neither medical masks nor cloth face coverings are designed to stop the spread of a flu virus. The few studies ginned up to give some credence to the claim that they can or will are outnumbered by dozens more that say no. So, why has my town’s recycling facility demanded you wear them?


And now we’re back to the Scott Dunn Monument to Economic Illiteracy (otherwise known as the Gilford Recycling Center) – Part 2

Well, I’m not letting the speed of return responses from my Right To Know requests get the better of me yet although I AM pleased that they aren’t being slow rolled. To recap, what I asked for: Revenues to date for this fiscal year (GL account line item for the last budget process: 01-3404-917) Fees … Read more

Gilford Recyle Center

And now we’re back to the Scott Dunn Monument to Economic Illiteracy (otherwise known as the Gilford Recycling Center)

I’ve been speaking and writing in opposition to the redoing of the town dump.  $1.4 million dollars to create the Gilford Recycling Center, at a time when the recycling marketplace was drying up faster than our lawns this summer.

Recycling – I’ll say it: it’s just Economic Insanity

I’ve been blogging about what has been going on in my home town that just put up the “Scott Dunn monument to Economic Illiteracy” and the Mandatory Recycling mandate in order to make “The Plan” work. You can’t use the new Recycle Center (“RC”), just built for the amount of $1.3 Million dollar, unless YOU … Read more

Recycling trash? It doesn’t pay at all as advertised; it’s just another form of religion

Scott Dunn’s monument to economic illiteracy (the Gilford Recycling Center) will lose close to $7million over the next 10 years.

Gilford – Take our money for a Transfer Station THEN make recycling mandatory? Now a vote for Monarchical diktat

Sigh, this feels like its going to be a bit of a slog. While some may be saying “Skip, just do it – find the bags, find the time, wash everything, take more time to sort…just do it.  Stop rocking the boat”. They don’t realize that is isn’t necessarily that I’m against doing all that, … Read more

Gilford logo

Gilford – Take our money for a Transfer Station THEN make recycling mandatory? Part 2

I did my initial rant here. Did you know that our new Recycling Center is now going to have a firing range (supposed to be for law enforcement but why stop there – if the taxpayers are paying for the facility, why not the rest of us?), and a boat storage area (probably for the … Read more

“Lawmakers Fatal Conceit on Recycling Should Be Trashed”

My hamlet has just decided to force mandatory recycling on everyone in town (and they didn’t have to. They could have just said that IF you are going to recycle, here’s where what stuff goes where.

Putin - why would I attack america

Democrats Are Recycling Russian Anti-Fracking Propaganda to Weaken America

As Democrats continue to cry collusion with our Russian enemy, it becomes clear that no set of policy priorities mirrors Vladimir Putin’s own than those of the Democrat party. None of these more so than anti-fracking narratives. Many of them originating in Putin’s Russia.

Gilford Recyle Center

Gilford: Money, Monopoly, and Mandatory – what a Mess for Trash and Recycling

BY RICK NOTKIN MY ERROR!  I failed to swap the actual writer’s name for mine – that has been corrected and I apologize to those that thought I wrote this when it was Rick Notkin.  My humblest apologies.  It has been corrected and bumped ****** Let’s see if I understand the situation in Gilford. The … Read more

RePlanet Recycling

When Liberal Ideas Collide: California’s Wage Meddling Wipes Out State’s Largest Recycling Business

The Los Angeles Times can’t bring itself to admit it. But the math adds up. California’s largest recycling business has closed all 284 recycling centers because of…” increased business costs.”

We recycle - recycling bin

Is Recycling a “Waste” of Time?

Recycling is a thing. Plastic, glass, paper, metal, cardboard. But it’s not a carbon neutral thing. It is carbon intensive. And while “removing it” from the waste stream may save tipping fees for your local municipality,  if you think you are saving the planet, you’re not.


Gilford Selectboard & administrators know not what they do: recycling overruns

Now that the Gilford tax bills for the first half of 2019 have been issued, are most Gilford taxpayers happy, or at least reasonably content, with the level of taxes in the town? I suggest that many are not and that some of the reasons for the ever-increasing taxes in Gilford can easily be ascertained … Read more

Link Smorgasbord (And a Smattering of Memes)

The last one: Link Smorgasbord (And a Smattering of Memes) – Granite Grok >>>>>=====<<<<< FEATURED LINKS: Leftists Live In A Mental Prison Of Their Own Making – American Thinker Related: You Hate Trump? So What? – HotAir To vote for the Democrats because one hates Trump is not merely childish. When how one feels about … Read more

What It Could Take to Jumpstart Nuclear Power

This article is adapted from an interview that energy expert Rupert Darwall conducted with Hon. Spencer Abraham. Secretary Abraham, you are one of the rarest people on the planet—an energy secretary who actually understands the vital strategic and economic role of coal, oil, and natural gas. You served as the nation’s 10th Energy Secretary from … Read more

light-bulb-Man Head Energy Power Solutions

It Isn’t Easy Going Green

Kristin Walker at the (American Consumer Institute) has published research analyzing the carbon cost of so-called green technology. She breaks down the details for the big three – Wind, Solar, and EV Batteries – and details the emissions cost of the so-called magic that makes these things possible. Often left out of the discussion is … Read more

offshore wind farms

Something Else “Off” About Off-Shore Wind

As the Gulf of Maine Offshore Wind project speeds along its out-of-control-freight-train collision with reality, Orsted – a leader in failed East Coat wind projects, announced it is still losing obscene amounts of money. “Orsted estimated the value of its assets declined $472 million in the first half of 2024, largely due to delays at … Read more