The Garbage Police

“Law, without force, is impotent.”  —Blaise Pascal The City of Manchester, in its infinite wisdom, seeks to enact an anti-scavenging ordinance prohibiting the scavenging of recyclable items from curbside bins. Under the new measure, violators would be slapped with a fine.  If this ordinance is enacted, the homeless and ‘ner-do wells’ who scavenge cans bottles … Read more

The Very Partisan Granite State Fair Tax Coalition Part II

The Granite State Fair Tax Coalition (GSFTC–Greedy Socialists Frisking TaxPayers Cash) is a partisan non-profit, which for years has insisted it is a non-partisan group advocating an income tax in New Hampshire. But the GSFTC is non-partisan the way MSNBC is. They use the dark side equivalent of the Jedi mind trick. ‘The force can have a strong influence on the weak minded.”

EV Electric Vehicle Charging Station

Electric Cars Are Worse For The Environment (Hah Ha!)

Back in 2008 when I was talking about how cars like the Prius were not nearly as environmentally friendly as the greens and Democrats let on because the manufacturing process for the battery system was so hostile to the environment. That process erased any benefits you might achieve during use.

WGIR in the morning with Jeff Chidester

GraniteGrok is now doing a Friday morning segment or two with Jeff Chidester on the WGIR morning show.  Here are the links to the stories we mentioned: The ones we used: Here is, pretty much, one of the stupidest ideas I’ve heard of lately): Recycling your personal computer files.   Newt calls out Press – … Read more

Well this is interesting….

Subject: Broken California. Question: Can this be true? Another question: How many agencies does New Hampshire have? Last question: How many should be abolished? EVER WONDER WHY CALIFORNIA IS BROKE?  But, unfortunately I’m sure that: New York, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Jersey and Massachuetts aren’t much different. If you find this bad just imagine … Read more

Mike Brunelle’s Jobs Program

In true class warfare passion the prominent democrat schemster Mike Brunelle saw his minimum wage bill go down in flames yesterday, which was exactly the point. But all the politicking and future sound biting aside, what is the point? Democrats either don’t give a damn about jobs or are to daft to know any better.

Hodespocrisy –‘Chamber Of Commerce’ Edition

Paul Hodes gets an ‘A+’ for toeing the Pelosi/Obama Party line, and a least an ‘A’ for recycling the party talking points. For example, Barack Obama has been wandering around claiming the Chamber of Commerce is using foreign money to affect local elections. Paul Hodes has been wandering around New Hampshire saying the exact same thing.

“That’s the point. Jeanne Shaheen has been a consistent opponent of nuclear power and oil drilling, where there is oil, for 25 years before her latest poll led to her switch of positions.”

.          Seabrook Station, no thanks to Jeanne…              Offshore drilling? No way! I’ll git you my little pretties… hehehe! .                       Refineries? Nope!                              Assault on Seabrook. May 1, 1977 Back in the 80’s, former NH House Speaker Marshall Cobleigh spent many a Sunday morning debating future Governor Jeanne Shaheen on a number of issues. At the … Read more