Greenpeace Admits That Recycling Doesn’t Work and is Probably Worse for “The Environment™”

When lefty green meanies issue mea culpa’s, it makes for good blogging, but I always remain skeptical. Take Michael Moore, for example. Planet of the Humans made it clear that neither wind nor solar was viable or capable. A fool’s errand, yet the Left has tripled down on the agenda. So, what’s the point?

Related: Michael Moore’s New Documentary: Green Energy is a Scam and We’re All Fools (Video Added)

Why admit that something you’ve advocated for decades does not or cannot deliver as advertised if no one on your side intends to listen?

Harvard researchers said wind turbines warm the planet, while the BBC reported that they are destroying mother earth. Removing meat from our diets won’t do anything, and many of the insects they’d like us to eat are toxic to humans. Solar is land-intensive and bad on both ends, and you can’t even make the damn things without burning coal. Electric vehicles are also an environmental nightmare, and now this from Greenpeace?


[T]he report found that many of these plastics were being accepted into processing plants where they were not recycled, but instead disposed of by some other means. Other plastics landed in China where they were dumped or burned, in turn causing harm to the environment, as Tierney noted.

“They preached it to children, mandated it for adults,” Tierney said, “and bludgeoned municipalities and virtue-signaling corporations into wasting vast sums—probably hundreds of billions of dollars worldwide—on an enterprise that has been harmful to the environment as well as to humanity.”


This recycling fraud is not new to our readers, and there are many reasons why it’s counter-productive to the narrative.


It’s been documented and reported for close to two decades. Look it up. The energy wasted to clean recyclables before you ‘recycle them?’ The energy needed to recycle into a reusable form for glass, cardboard, and paper, and metal is carbon intensive. Trucks, facilities, power, people, and process, all consume more energy than just burying the stuff in the ground. Which is where it came from, if not in that form.


Having Greenpeace admit that recycling is virtue-signaling makes me smile just a little bit. They’ve publicly recognized that it is a scam. We’re offshoring the problem, and the result is worse than if we didn’t do it. So?We recycle - recycling bin

Related: Quick Reminder About Just How Bad Wind Power is for the Planet

When can we expect Greenpeace to admit that electric vehicles and most of the wind/solar/green energy agenda are the same problems on steroids? We’re not just offshoring it. We’re enriching enemies of the environment™ at the same time while undermining our ability to be a leader in well-managed stewardship.

We are encouraging human trafficking and child labor.

We are polluting the world over there to pretend it’s not polluted here, and what do we get in return?

A weak, powerless America that can’t do much to improve the world’s problems, and by that, I mean producing what it needs with less waste. The United States and free-market capitalism could and would find ways to use fossil fuels more efficiently and in ways better for the air, land, and water. We’d solve the problems with the best minds from around the world who come here for a one-of-its-kind freedom from government meddling that inspires opportunity and innovation.

And that’s the other thing the Left is looking to ruin.

Democrats want to rule a debt-riddled Democratic-Socialist “republic” that can’t do much of anything for itself, let alone anyone else or the planet. And a world without America leading it is a planet in decline.

How ironic is it that the green dream is responsible for laying us so low, and the result will be a dirtier, more violent planet than the one we had before the Left cut our knees out from under us?

But hey, Greenpeace has realized recycling is bad.

Baby steps, right?



HT | Human Events

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