Howard Dean vs. Phil Scott? Yes, Please!

Howard Dean made news the other day when he reminded Vermonters he was still alive. The dude is bumping up against the actuarial tables at 76, after all, and anyone born the last year Dean held public office is now of legal age to drink, which would come in handy if the increasingly radicalized Leftist … Read more

Gov Phill Scott - Gov Page Screen Grab

Scott Endorses Haley After Equivocating On Divisive Speech

Sundays are usually a day of rest and a time to, if one uses it to reflect on the goodness of God, escape the ubiquitous bad-mouthing of our fellow citizens.  Today in the progressive strong-hold of South Burlington Nikki Haley was visiting Vermonters willing to entertain the idea she still has a chance against Republican … Read more

Unhinged Democrats

Democrats Defending Pedophiles

Democrats famously walked out of a session of the NH House when a Republican began reading smut from a book they want to be left in public schools. Books that include drug and alcohol abuse, suicidal ideation, and adult-child sex. If they aren’t groomers or abetting the practice, what then is this?

Toll Hike, What Say You, Councilor Prescott?

There are plenty of believers, philosophers, and ordinary people with minds greater than mine who can speak to the merits of forgiveness. Holding a grudge is burdensome. Having lived it, I can speak from experience that it’s a curse, but there’s a less recognized attribute within that.  That blessing or curse, depending on how one … Read more

FB Doodlings – “Scott Metzger: Some of property-tax burden should be shifted to vehicle registrations” – Part 2

Well, I do have to admit, the Concord Monitor does get a large diversity of commenters on posts sometimes.  No, not the skin-color-deep-facial-features kind of diversity where only looks count.  I mean the only diversity that really counts – intellectual and philosophical differences.  Dick Lemiuex  riled up frequent Progressive CM and Grok commenter, Bruce Currie … Read more

Scott Brown Supporter Mayor Michael Bloomberg Will Spend $50 Million…

I just found this in my In-Box… For Immediate Release Contact: Peter Schweitzer 727-421-0718 Friends of Senator Bob Smith Scott Brown Supporter Mayor Michael Bloomberg Will Spend $50 Million to Fight NRA and Gun Rights Tuftonboro (April 17, 2014)-Former NY City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the same mayor who wholeheartedly endorsed Scott Brown in … Read more

So is Scott Brown really a surrogate for Andy Leach?

This past Wednesday nite, fellow Grokster Mike and his lovely bride Mar-Mar opened up their home and brought in their friends and family to meet Scott Brown (if you haven’t heard, he may or may not run for US Senator from NH but at least is in the exploratory phase – much to the relief … Read more

Kathy Sullivan’s tweet: what she gets wrong and Scott Brown doesn’t understand

Earlier today, Grokster Steve alerted the rest of us that Kathy Sullivan tweeted out my post describing and opining on the talk that Scott Brown gave last Wednesday: 1. Usually don't read Granitegrok but this post on @Senscottbrown house party hate to admit is must read. #nhpolitics — Kathy Sullivan (@NHKathySullivan) April 2, 2014 … Read more

Guest Post by Scott Morales – An Origin of Nonsense and Monsters

There have been a number of posts, columns, and interviews regarding Obama’s “you didn’t build that, somebody else did” admission last week, but none that I have seen touch on the origin of such nonsense.  From what I can tell, the earliest work that outlines this belief in depth is William Godwin’s “Enquiry Concerning Political … Read more

New High (low) in Democratic Mainstream (lapdog) Media: “Roll Over, Scott”

Heh. This is great. The mainstream media acts like a pit bull when reporting on Republicans, but becomes a miniature poodle for the Democrats. "Roll over, Scott." LOL! This from the Drudge Report: REPORTER CONFINED IN CLOSET DURING BIDEN FUNDRAISER   Sat March 26 2011 17:04:37 EDT Staffers with Vice President Joe Biden confined an ORLANDO SENTINEL reporter in … Read more