Guest Post: Dave Wheeler – NH Executive Councilor on Gov. Hassan’s “Bipartisan” outlook

For immediate release.

Just a few hours after touting a bipartisan leadership style in her inaugural address, Governor Maggie Hassan, at today’s Governor and Council meeting, refused to allow or even discuss a motion from Councilor Wheeler to restore elected oversight of state contracts under $25,000.

Counselor Wheeler noted that “the previous Democrat controlled Council, knowing they would soon lose power, raised the oversight level to include only contracts and spending items over $25,000.” He contrasted this to the process just a few years ago where all contracts over $5,000 received Council oversight.

“This is a five fold increase in value of contracts not overseen by the council in the last few years,” Wheeler added. “This new secretive approach must go. The public has a right to know exactly how their money is being spent and who is receiving it. The more that is done in public, the less there is opportunity for corruption and graft.”

New Hampshire’s Executive Council was established to be a check on the unrestrained powers of both the executive and legislative branch. 

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WSJ and the well written editorial…

When Saul of Tarsus set out on his journey to Damascus the whole of the known world lay in bondage. There was one state, and it was Rome. There was one master for it all, and he was Tiberius Caesar.

Everywhere there was civil order, for the arm of the Roman law was long. Everywhere there was stability, in government and in society, for the centurions saw that it was so.

But everywhere there was something else, too. There was oppression—for those who were not the friends of Tiberius Caesar. There was the tax gatherer to take the grain from the fields and the flax from the spindle to feed the legions or to fill the hungry treasury from which divine Caesar gave largess to the people. There was the impressor to find recruits for the circuses. There were executioners to quiet those whom the Emperor proscribed. What was a man for but to serve Caesar?

There was the persecution of men who dared think differently, who heard strange voices or read strange manuscripts. There was enslavement of men whose tribes came not from Rome, disdain for those who did not have the familiar visage. And most of all, there was everywhere a contempt for human life. What, to the strong, was one man more or less in a crowded world?

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Darlene Pawlik talks about her road to Right To Life

Darlene Pawlik
Darlene Pawlik

It is amazing the fortitude of some of those in the pro-life movement. Here is one of our very own, someone who has been through so much, yet gives her all to help other women in need. Thank you Darlene.

When He Got Me Pregnant, I Faked an Abortion So My Sex Trafficker Would Let Me Go

by Darlene Pawlik

I was trapped in the sex trafficking industry.  Trafficking in persons is not like any regulated industry.  There are no rules.

I was conceived during a brutal rape and learned of it when I was very young. That knowledge and child sexual abuse had me feeling worth less than others and vulnerable.  After my mother’s second divorce, I was twelve. By thirteen, I’d been dabbling in drugs and alcohol, wandering the neighborhood and hanging out with a bodybuilder in a black Cadillac.  He was patient as he courted me and manipulated me into his bed.

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It seems that dissent is not well liked by the “Minority Party appointed Majority Leader” Jack Flanagan

One can be a “Leader” only if there are people willing to follow.  It looks like Jack Flanagan is having this problem:

From: HouseRepublicanOffice
Sent: Friday, December 05, 2014 3:39 PM
To: HouseRepublicanOffice
Subject: House Republican Caucus December 17th

House Republicans will hold their first caucus of the upcoming session on Wed., Dec. 17 at 10 a.m.. The caucus will held in Representatives Hall at the State House in Concord. This fact finding meeting will help to develop the House Republican agenda, policy, pending legislation and support.

Contrary to what you have been hearing, the Republican meeting scheduled for Monday, December Dec. 8, at the Grappone Center in Concord, is not a House Republican caucus.

I look forward to seeing you all on the 17th and working with you this session.

Rep. Jack Flanagan
House Majority Leader


From: Hoell, JR
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2014 10:41 AM
To: Baldasaro, Al; LeBrun, Donald
Cc: HouseRepublicanOffice; ~Republican House Members
Subject: RE: House Republican Caucus December 17th

Dear Rep Flanagan,

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NHFC: NH State Rep Shawn Jasper is Fomenting a Mutiny Against Bill O’Brien – already!

NHFC logoDear Gun Owner,

I am troubled.  We thought that our Second Amendment Rights would be well protected when the Republican Caucus in the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted for Rep. Bill O’Brien as their choice for Speaker of the House.  Unfortunately, I have learned there is a mutiny afoot in the what now appears to be a fractured Republican Party.  More on that later, first I want to explain why it is so very important that we support Rep. O’Brien.

As many of you may know, the Speaker does much more than just preside over the House and moderate debate.  The Speaker is responsible for assigning committee members and chairmen as well as “steering” favored bills through the legislative process.  Rep. O’Brien did all of this and more when he was Speaker in the 2011/2012 session.  He made sure that anti-gun bills died and pro-gun bills such as “no duty to retreat” were passed over the Governor’s veto.  To be honest, we need Rep. Bill O’Brien as Speaker of the House.

I am troubled because I have learned that NHFC D rated, anti-gun Rep. Shawn Jasper is leading the mutiny to elect some other anti-gun Speaker of the HouseRep. Jasper is looking to make a deal with the anti-gun Democrats to elect an anti-gun speaker.  Rep. Shawn Jasper is an elitist power hungry politician who will do anything for his own selfish reasons.

We are not sure exactly what promises have been made, but one thing is certain, the Democrats have nominated NHFC F rated Rep. Stephen Shurtleff as their choice for Speaker.  D rated Rep. Jasper or F rated Rep. Shurtleff, or A rated Rep. Bill O’Brien.  The choice seems obvious to me.

Time is of the essence, we must act now, the House will vote for Speaker on Wednesday, December 3, 2014.

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I am endorsing Bill O’Brien for NH Speaker of the House on Tuesday

All, I am supporting Bill O’Brien for Speaker and the article below should make it clear that everyone on this mailing list should do the same. Remember the days of Doug Scamman and Charlie Bass being in office. higher taxes, bloated budgets, loss of liberties while “Republicans” were in charge…  In fact, Bass was so bad … Read more

When a “Surplus” is not a surplus…

Tax Money down the toilet for DoD green energy awardsRecently, “His Excellency” [NH constitution Part Second, Art 41: ] Governor Margaret Hassan proudly proclaimed that we had a budget surplus. Here She pontificates about how well her administration has done.

HOWEVER, within a very short two days, the “Kool Aid® drinking binge” had completely worn off and Governor Margaret Hassan sent out this press release:

CONCORD –Taking fiscally responsible action to maintain a balanced budget in light of revenues falling below bipartisan projections, Governor Maggie Hassan today sent a letter to agency heads directing state agencies to submit plans to reduce their budgets for Fiscal Year 2015.

So Maggie Hassan’s “surplus” is a lot like New England weather; just wait a moment, it’ll be a deficit.

Now the real budget situation, that is much closer to what former Speaker O’Brien said in this UL Op-Ed

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NHGOP: Some in leadership are showing the integrity that we need in NH, where are the others?

A BIG thank you to Honorable David Bates for having the courage and convictions to stand up for what is right.

Judges 17:6 talks about times like this: New American Standard Bible
“In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did what was right in his own eyes.” 

  • Is it right to pretend to be a Marine when you have been discharged in a dishonorable fashion? 
  • Is it right to claim to have gone to OCS, when you were kicked out of the program for lying on the application to get in?
  • Is it right to pretend to be a person of integrity when you have been disbarred because of integrity issues?
  • More important: WHY is the rest of the NHGOP “leadership” not stepping up and condemning this behavior?

In Senate district 19, we have an issue with one of the candidates, see articles on Foley ( here, and here) and Former member and candidate for State Rep. David Bates took a stand for the values that we hold dear.  Today he stepped down from a position of leadership within a local GOP chapter so he could stand up for his principles.  We need more men and women like him in Concord.

The press release is issued below!

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NAGR also takes a “shot” at Lambert

It seems that other groups have concerns on Lambert’s lack of willingness to support gun rights!  Please see email below that came in today!  Please call Lambert and ask him to send in NAGR’s survey.

Dear Gun Owner,

If ever there was a time for gun owners to charge up the hill to reclaim the high ground from our anti-gun enemies, it’s right now.

And one person standing on top of that hill in New Hampshire is anti-gun Congresswoman Ann McLane Kuster.

But, to make matters worse, one of Kuster’s Republican challengers, Gary Lambert, is showing serious early signs he may share Congresswoman Ann Kuster’s anti-gun views.

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Dear Gary Lambert, Bad Idea to Accuse NHFC of Lying – On the Air.

Dear Gary Lambert,

Bad Idea to accuse NHFC of lying on the air. The data is available regarding your record while in the NH State Senate. This has been provided to all that have asked about wanting references regarding our statements.

5 of the 6 good gun bills died in the Senate that year. The journals prove what happened.

Constitutional Carry, Campus Carry, elimination of local licensing for dealers, etc. all died at the feet of the senators in the Senate in 2012.

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Coincidence, I think not…

I find it more than interesting that the long weekend just before the primary that the following websites go off line…

Now, if this had happened at any other point in the year, I would be less suspicious, but the weekend before the primary when that is where the candidate grades are posted, the coincidence demands speculation.

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Letter to Rep. Hoell regarding Scott Brown (aka Scott “Take Your Guns Away” Brown):


Attorney and Counselor at Law

My name is Penny Dean; I am an attorney who regularly practices before a variety of state and federal courts and administrative agencies.I am also an NRA certified instructor (Basic Pistol, Metallic Cartridge and Shotgun Shell Reloading) as well as an NRA Range Safety Officer. I teach Hunter Education. I am a graduate of the Lethal Force Institute I-III (when Massad Ayoob was LFI Director). I have testified countless times before New Hampshire House and New Hampshire Senate committees. I present analyses of firearms-related legislation. My goal: to help the General Court’s members to understand firearms and other civil rights issues. Let’s look at the FACTS about Scott Brown’s views (and actions/votes) on guns:

FACT:    Scott Brown backs assault gun ban-state & federal

“As a state legislator in Massachusetts I supported an assault weapons ban thinking other states would follow suit. But unfortunately, they have not and innocent people are being killed. As a result, I support a federal assault weapons ban, perhaps like the legislation we have in Massachusetts.” ….. “But Brown earned the endorsement of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg in November’s election…” (Politico 12/20/2012; see or

FACT:    Bloomberg Endorses Republican in Heated Massachusetts Senate Race

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