Kathy Sullivan’s tweet: what she gets wrong and Scott Brown doesn’t understand

by Skip

Earlier today, Grokster Steve alerted the rest of us that Kathy Sullivan tweeted out my post describing and opining on the talk that Scott Brown gave last Wednesday:

Or as Steve paraphrased: “I don’t always read GraniteGrok, but when I do…it’s about attacking Scott Brown“. She’s wrong about the attacking part; after all, we’ve done more on attacking Shaheen than we have commenting on Brown.  She also gets it wrong that she thinks we’re necesarily Republicans (heck, so do the Establishment Republicans).  Scott hasn’t been here long enough to understand who we are and what we represent – bad tutalege by Andy “The Muscle” Leach for that.  You see, we don’t defend Republicans just because they are Republicans and we don’t attack Democrats for not being Republicans.  In fact, we could care less which Party (e.g., Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Socialist, Communist, Green) anyone belongs to.  Not at all and not a tittle.

Rather, our allegiance is to  rock-ribbed Principles instead of a mere Party – those of Liberty & Freedom, Conservative (with libertarian leanings) Principles that are expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the US and NH Constitutions (and when it comes to Republicans, the NH GOP Platform).  As with our Framers, we believe in Individuals instead of the Borg Collective.  Until the pernicious and foreign political philosophy call Progressivism (aka, incremental Socialism) came to these shores (and in which Sullivan has wrapped herself up into), those Principles made this country the freest, wealthiest and most powerful nation in history.  And Sullivan and her pack of progressives just can’t seem to learn from history that their way NEVER works.

You ignore those Principles, you don’t defend them, you don’t live them, you cross them, you despise them, you violate them, you try to go around them, you try to make them subservient – well, you make our decision easy.  We will oppose you.  And yes, it may well be that we attack you on that basis. We listen to what you say, we read what you write, we study your legislation, and we act upon your votes.  We are concerned that you follow an open and transparent process in Government so that we ALL can understand and follow.

Sidenote: unlike that mini-DISCLOSE Act, that would have HIGHLY infringed upon our Right to Free Speech in the political realm, in which you tried to subvert an innocuous banking bill several years ago – in the dark recesses surrounded only by your Leftist friends and organizations and not out in the open for all to see, right Kathy Sullivan?  We stopped you dead in your tracks when YOU tried to subvert the democracy process we demand here in NH.

It ain’t personal – until you MAKE it personal. We protect each other because unlike most in politics, one of our foundational values is Loyalty.  Make it personal to one of us makes it personal to ALL of us.  We may not make in personal in return, but know this:

We will have fun with you

And I buy my pixels by the terabyte.  You don’t want us to write or opine about you?  Don’t do those things that would cause us to do so.  We set a high bar (Kathy Sullivan can only wish she can see that high) as life’s too short crawl on the ground to meet low expectations.

Oh, another thing, [shrill] Kathy dear? Just remember that your Democrat Governor isn’t a native of NH while Brown is.  Also, I never heard you calling out Jeanne for overriding the decision of elected NH Executive Councilors in denying PPNE a contract by injecting Federal money OVER that intentions of that NH based vote?

Oh, I get it – you like the idea that NH is simply a vassal state to the all knowing, thousand miles away, Federal Goobers!  Nice to know of the status of your allegiance.

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