Toll Hike, What Say You, Councilor Prescott?

There are plenty of believers, philosophers, and ordinary people with minds greater than mine who can speak to the merits of forgiveness. Holding a grudge is burdensome. Having lived it, I can speak from experience that it’s a curse, but there’s a less recognized attribute within that.  That blessing or curse, depending on how one looks at it, is a good memory.

I am one of those people who have a good memory, often much to the chagrin of my parents. And more relevantly speaking, my good memory is often a thorn in the side of many Republicans, both good ones and RINOs.

This morning, my email inbox had a follow-up reminder from the Rockingham GOP for their congressional candidates’ meet and greet soiree at 6 pm this Wednesday(2/7) night at the Rockingham County Nursing Home. I’m unfortunately unable to find a link to an event calendar, but due to buying a raffle ticket of theirs some time ago, I am on their email list. Someone might ask who their webmaster is because their site is not up to date.

The four candidates on their ballot are not on mine, so they don’t take up much space in my head, except for one of them: Councilor Prescott.

I saw Prescott speak at the Merrimack GOP in August 2022 when he crashed their meeting, meaning he appeared without RSVPing.  I was there because Gary Daniels was being primaried by a Wilton police lieutenant and wanted to get some intel and ask a question. This was the last local GOP meeting before the primary, and Merrimack reps had a contentious one. Ms. Ginger did an amazing yet polite job at the podium enforcing time limits and the pecking order regarding up and down-ballot candidates’ mic time, which did not allow Prescott to take questions.

We all know that Karoline won the primary, and Prescott, therefore, returned to irrelevancy after that, but he’s back!  And he has the 603 endorsement.  I mention Merrimack for another reason: the Everett Turnpike.  Almost everyone in Nashua has to use it at some time or another, and some use it more than others.

The “Merrimack Only” tolls at Exits 10, 11, and 12 were eventually removed, but the memory of them remains. In fact, Bill Boyd mentioned the “Merrimack Only” tolls on his campaign home page and literature before being elected. Remember, I said I have a good memory, and I can’t be the only one. In 2017, Councilor Prescott partnered with the worst of the Executive Council enemy camp, Andru Volinsky, in wanting to raise the tolls. Almost as unacceptable as voting for an income tax!

Anyway, Prescott needs to answer for his crime against ALL toll payers, not just users of the Everett Turnpike. The 2022 Merrimack opportunity to question him on his record did not materialize, but Wednesday presents another opportunity.  The event is located near the center of a territory outlined by 93, 101, the seacoast, and the state line. Locals there might be less likely to use toll roads as regularly as people elsewhere, but I encourage attendees to put him on the spot and ask him if he regrets wanting to raise the tolls. Any attempt to add or raise taxes should not be forgotten, and there might be people there who weren’t paying attention at the time.

Everyone knows the sad reality that “the OTHER district” gets all the attention, money, and resources, and Annie Kuster’s constituents are thought of as chopped liver by the elite. If Prescott is the one that winds up on their November ballot, this toll hike stain on his record needs to be addressed.

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