Scales of justice gavel law court

Paula Johnson vs. City of Nashua (The Sequel)

Paula had her day in court this afternoon and I thought a summary of observation would be of interest. Many witnesses were in court this morning in Concord as plaintiffs against Chris Ager, which I’m sure someone else will report on as I wasn’t there.

Vote, ballot, ballot box

Election Recount Lawsuit: Paula Johnson vs. City of Nashua

Grok readers should already be familiar with Nashua’s own private citizen, Laurie Ortolano, who has made many watchdog contributions over the years and has a court date next week, but there’s another pro se litigant, Paula Johnson, who also had a court date.

Is Hampton the “Seacoast Nashua”?

I was approached by election security watchdog Linda Brown regarding Private Citizen Regina Barnes’s recent day in court, which Chau Kelley took a 51-minute video of and wrote a brief summary on.  Though flattered to be thought of as worthy of such an assignment, I was reluctant to submit something that might appear as taking … Read more

An Open Letter to All 14 Senate Rs.

Readers should already be familiar with Paula Johnson, who has worn many hats in Nashua over the years, including alderman, state rep, school board, plaintiff, and ardent critic of the mayor and Jeb. She sent me this 7-minute video about RTK warfare happening in NJ, and I decided to share it with the Senate Republicans, … Read more

City of Nashua seth-dewey-EOlo15oy8Ks-unsplash

Voter’s Regrets, the Sequel

Though this article is designed for the Ward 2 voter/reader, Alderman Dowd’s chairmanship is ultimately a citywide product.  Alderman Wilshire was given the gavel by the body of 15.  That’s nine wards with one alderman apiece plus six members elected at large. Keep in mind that there was an opportunity to remove some of those … Read more

The Nashua School District Unlevels (De-Levels) Classroom Learning

Advanced Placement for students in public schools who are more intellectually agile, capable, gifted, or just faster learners is proof of something. Racism? White Privilege (even if the bright kid is Asian or black). Whatever it is, it is unfair, and the government schools are on an equity mission to stop it.

Nashua, Vote to Save Your City on November 2

Nashua municipal elections are being held on Tuesday, November 2, and there are some very important choices to make. The most important decision is on Ballot Question 2. A Yes vote would give the Mayor and Board of Aldermen control over picking the city police commissioners.

nashua city hall

Nashua Municipal Election Results

Incumbents fared well in Nashua aldermanic elections Tuesday night. None lost, while incumbent mayor Jim Donchess was unopposed. The Nashua Board of Education results took another direction, with incumbents Doris Hohensee and Howard Coffman losing their seats.

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow-Overflow

To all those who are sending in memes, thank you!  Many, many good ones!  Please do share this post, and if you share an individual meme, consider mentioning you saw it on the Grok!

Trump Manchester Rally Pic

When All Else Fails ‘Be Trump!’

In a piece titled The Greatness of Donald Trump Dov Fischer does us a service. First, he compares Mr. Trump to the so-called scions of Liberalism with whom they’d have him replaced. A rogue’s gallery of opportunists, criminals, and con men (and women).

NH House of Representatives – No Shows

I’ve been asked on a number of occasions to run for the NH House of Representatives and have turned them down because of work responsibilities.  There was just no way to be able to keep my job AND do the job of a NH Rep correctly and fully. Plus, for full disclosure, when I ran … Read more

Keeping Men out of the Ladies Room is a Partisan Issue in New Hampshire (Roll Call Included)

Yesterday the New Hampshire House had the opportunity to vote on HB478, an unnecessary piece of legislation that purported to create rights for people who already had them. What it actually did was advance the Democrat-Socialist deconstruction of sexuality by making it illegal to dismiss men from any accommodation on public or private property that previously … Read more