The Gran Canarian Pride festival was a few weeks ago. It marks the beginning of Monkey Pox Season. It was ground zero for the 2022 Mpox pandemic, followed by several consecutive days of Pride celebrations in Belgium the week after. From there, it traveled the world.
Related: Maybe in Future Years, Pride Month Can Also Be Monkeypox Awareness Month.
Monkeypox 2022 came, saw, and kicked some ass. And yes, all of those puns are deliberate.
- By mid to late May 2022, the news, like the Monkey Pox, was spreading so quickly it ruined Pride Month.
- Efforts to hide that infections were exclusively among gay men (99%) and children (!) failed.
- Joe Biden eventually declared a national health emergency, not that there’s anything wrong with that.
- By July, the WHO announced that it was time for gay men to consider autoerotica for a few months to slow the spread.
- The CDC followed suit in early August with similar guidance. And the whole thing disappeared into the mists of progressives’ time.
And that is all poxy water under the Pride bridge (of course, it’s a rainbow, you bigot!). The 2023 Monkey Pox season is in full swing and not a word about it in the press that I have seen. Not yet. Perhaps not ever. And maybe that’s good news. It’s not fatal, but it’s still a pox, and while I’ve not heard much about it, why would I, as I don’t travel in circles with behaviors that might court an infection? But if last year’s epidemic were spread by attending church (Prayer Pox), it would have been the lead. The top story in every cable news hour for weeks leading up to May 2023. They’d be banning services for the good of the community. Alter boys would be interviewed. Priests tested. What do you mean you’ve not read all three parts of the Humanist Manifesto? Where’s your picture of Sir Julian Huxley?
But this isn’t that.
Still, I did expect some cautionary news about safe sex or getting vaccinated or something. Anything but abstinence, which is that ten-letter word the hyper-sexual-left abhors. Did you say … Gasp! – Abstinence?
This is why the WHO and the CDC had to wait through four months of infections before suggesting it last year. Abstinence. Asking a gay man to keep it in his pants is a sensitive subject, like reminding liberals that Trump never colluded with Russia, that the FBI is a domestic terrorist operation, or that John Fetterman is a walking mushroom. But ask they did.
Something worked.
The World Health Organization still has a page on the Pox but nothing new to add since the 2022 invasion of sacred Pride Ground.
The CDC – and look at me giving credit when due – has a May 10th update on Monkeypox (Mpox).
A cluster of mpox cases have been reported in the Chicago area, which means the virus is still spreading, and we need to continue to be alert. More than 50% of cases in the cluster have been in people who have been previously vaccinated. Getting vaccinated is still very important. No vaccine is 100% effective, and infections after vaccination are possible, but they may be milder and less likely to result in hospitalization.
Not everyone kept it in their pants, including the CDC. Their first, most repetitive suggestion is to get vaccinated if you are at risk, even though they admit that half the Chicago outbreak cases were vaccinated. But it is still essential – getting vaccinated. Hardworking Public Health Industrial Complex servants only get kickbacks if y’all line up for the recommended treatment. Did we mention that you should get vaccinated?
No mention of how that same vaccine killed this proud Hollywood makeup artist. Just one guy, right? Probably more than one, but who’s counting?
I did check to see whom the CDC thought might be at risk (and in need of the vaccine). There’s a lot of fluff on the page to hide the fact that they could have just written sexually active gay men or anyone who has had sex with one (regardless of age or gender). And this is the CDC, so if it were a Jeopardy question, the answer would be “Everyone.”
The CDC never mentions children as at risk, which seems odd given last year’s demographics. I guess sexualizing kids in public schools is one thing, and gay men passing monkeypox to children is another. But the former is not grooming, and you will write it repeatedly on whatever passes for a chalkboard these days until that sinks in.
And don’t forget – June is Monkeypox Pride Month.