CNN Tries to Blame White People But Democrats are to Blame

Steve MacDonald

The COVID News Network (CNN) has a breathless expose on an “until now” unrealized inequity. Researchers, always a suspicious term when applied by the MSM, report that ‘People of Color’ are more likely to experience “inequities seen in sleep health” than white folks.

The article mentions Daylight Savings versus Standard Time but exerts most of its effort on how badly we sleep. Yes, it admits that the white folk suffer from adverse health outcomes that can follow “poor sleep,” but certain “social and environmental factors” disproportionately affect non-whites.


“Among those are housing conditions, noise pollution, light pollution, air pollution, stress from different sources – including perceived racial discrimination – and jobs or working conditions,” he said, adding that the convergence of all those factors may explain why getting the recommended amount of sleep “may be less common among Black adults than among White adults.”


Let’s see. Democrats want us all crammed into cities with more “noise pollution, light pollution, air pollution,” and the more of us there are, the more we will have.

We can add crime to that as well. Dem-run urban areas have some of the highest crime rates on earth, much of it black-on-black crime, so I could see that making folks a bit restless.

And the left creates discrimination out of thin air in their pursuit of political power and can’t shut up about it to the degree that actual racism gets lost in the noise.

In other words, most of the environmental factors affecting sleep are a product of Democrat priorities, regardless of color. However, I suspect Democrat leaders like Sharpton and Jackson, Patrisse Cullors, or Maxine Waters sleep very well. Those folks make their living selling racism and corralling people of color into these sleepless Democrat urban paddocks.

Sleep is important. Truth is important.

And yes, I think the Daylight Savings Time flip-flop needs to go away, but it’s not racist, CNN. That – as usual – is the Democrat’s fault.





  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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