Democrat Rep Rosemarie Rung Tries to Crap on Gov. Sununu’s Economic Parade…

Merrimack, New Hampshire Democrat Rosemarie Rung says things that are a bit out there, which is great for us. If you need a post topic in a pinch, see what wingnut Rosie Rung Tweeted.

In the latest example, Ms. Rung had some thoughts for Governor Sununu when he celebrated New Hampshire’s record-low unemployment.

sununu unemploymentrung response to sununun tweet on unemployment


Rather than take her at her word, I did some research – but first, let’s be clear. The underemployment problem pre-dates the plandemic. During and plandemic, the problem was exacerbated by Democrat policy. Paying able-bodied people to stay home was not helping, and NH recently jumped off that bus, so the jobs to employees problem may still exist, but nothing Rung wants policy-wise would help that.

Related: What Democrats Maxine Waters and Rosemarie Rung Have in Common

Democrats love the policies in states like California, New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. They’d love to run our state the way Democrats run those states. The high tax burden and burdensome regulations.

This gives us a great opportunity to take the words of Ms. Rung and run them through the state laboratory ringer.

What do those Democrat-monopoly states look like compared to New Hampshire when it comes to things like cost of living, unemployment, average household incomes, cost of education, and so on?

If Rung is right, we should be able to tell.

For our purposes, we’ll look at Northeastern states (Minus Maine, because it’s still in transition) and California because they love that Left-Coast hustle.

I’m also adding a few more categories just for fun and because I think they weigh on the sum of the debate.


States best worst index NH vs Dems


Best unemployment, better cost of living than the listed competitors, top ten for average income, bottom ten for the cost of education but only California offers it for less on average (so NH beats the rest of them Dem states), much lower total tax burden, a significantly better quality of life, and the lowest crime rate in the nation.

These are all based on 2021 reports (linked below), and if I were fact-checking Ms. Rung’s Tweet, I’d say it was mostly false, which is only to say it is almost entirely false and then some with the tiniest grain of truth.

By the way, a truth that would be resolved if the liberals running higher Ed charged a little less for whatever it is they are passing off as a degree program.

Oh, and we have the lowest unemployment rate in the nation two months running.


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