The Nashua School District Unlevels (De-Levels) Classroom Learning

Advanced Placement for students in public schools who are more intellectually agile, capable, gifted, or just faster learners is proof of something. Racism? White Privilege (even if the bright kid is Asian or black). Whatever it is, it is unfair, and the government schools are on an equity mission to stop it.

NH State House - Pic by SteveM

A Look At NH House Committee Assignments

First, let’s take a moment to look across the aisle, shall we? Heather Raymond was a social worker, and it was on her watch that a kid in the system, Brielle Gage, died (Concord Monitor 4/16/17). She got Children and Family Law. Awkward!

Bullying Discussion Derailed by Nashua Board of Education

If you ask parents, bullying is a growing problem in Nashua schools that continues to be swept under the rug by the School Board. There will be no discussion of bullying at the upcoming Policy Committee meeting, despite promises to address it at that meeting.

Nashua High north

Op-Ed : Shame on the Nashua School Board – Changes Are Needed

by Kevin Scully | Liberals love to talk about a world where there is no bullying, but the progressives on the Nashua Board of Education appear to disagree. What else would you call Heather Raymond’s bullying action against Doris Hohensee, a sitting school board member who has done no wrong? Board President Raymond issued a … Read more

NH Union Leader

So where are the vaunted Union Leader “Editors” in the Hohensee smear? Or are they in on it?

So in all this, Kimberly Houghton who is the Union Leader reporter that wrote about this “Rich Girard smear-a-like political stunt” (the Conservative Manchester School Board member earlier accused of “identifying” a student even as GraniteGrok outed her as having outed herself on Manchester Ink in a public Op-Ed)  against Nashua School Board Doris Hohensee. … Read more