There are three people Nashua voters should not consider for the November 8th state election as none of these people are fulfilling their current city-elected duties.
Shoshanna Kelley – current Alderwoman at Large running for Executive Councilor
- No leadership, spotty attendance, and a weak voice
- Chair of the 2021 Police Commissioner Work Study Group, who failed to denounce the actions of the Mayor and exuded no leadership whatsoever.
The Mayor funded Ms. Sonia Prince to go full steam ahead with the charter change, undermining the work of the study group and obtained the signatures required for a ballot vote. This power play failed at the polls. When I questioned her on why she was not participating in educating the public on this important charter change, she stated that the Mayor threatened to cut her funding for future campaigns if she participated in the community outreach.
- A candidate about self-service protecting her own political future rather than public service and the future of Nashua.
- Founder of the “Do it Left Project” whose goal is to sweep progressive values through the State of New Hampshire.
We don’t need hard Left or hard Right candidates right now; we need hard Moderates, both Democrats and Republicans that can collaborate, compose and compromise on legislation and programs that work for the greater good and the betterment of the lives of New Hampshire citizens.
Heather Raymond – School Board Member running for House of Representatives
- has underperformed in her capacity to create a strong public education system.
School Board seats are the “trench work” of elected service. The stakes are high and performance counts.
- supported keeping Nashua Schools closed for 14 months during COVID.
- enforced overly restrictive, lengthy, mask regulations that negatively impacted education, especially for young developing children learning to read and speak.
- supports eliminating the high school grading system despite parent objections, stating that she will always defend the most vulnerable student.
Ms. Raymond should defend the learning styles of all students. Given the recent scores of Nashua Students in math and reading, Ms. Raymond has a lot of work ahead of her to bolster parent confidence and improve student performance.
- has openly spoken about her health challenges with multiple sclerosis and strokes.
These are debilitating health issues that no person would wish on anyone. But one has to wonder, given all that is on her plate, why would she double her workload with a state seat?
- Ms. Raymond must stay focused on her School Board duties.
Michael O’Brien – Alderman At Large running for House of Representatives
- An old crusty soul with numerous chronic health issues.
- under his leadership, the Aldermanic chamber has turned into the “wild west” concerning conduct and decorum.
- endorses partisan politics in the chamber, wearing both his state and local hat into meetings.
- not effective at the state level in making the changes needed to reduce Nashua’s tax rate.
- votes yes on almost all City spending requests and projects.
Whining that he tried at the state level to change the system while voting yes on all local spending is not good for Nashua. Mr. O’Brien needs to focus on his local seat and throttle back on spending Nashua’s shrinking pocketbooks.
Ward 9 needs a more able-bodied, vibrant soul who can service the needs of its citizens.
Vote November 8th