New Nashua Middle School Proposal Advances Despite Critical Unanswered Questions

by Op-Ed

On Nov. 7th the Nashua School board president Heather Raymond stated that “I just want to be clear that this motion is NOT BINDING us to build a new middle school.”

Twenty minutes later on that same evening, Ms. Raymond assured the Joint Special School Board Committee that the Board of Education just voted to support their proposal to build a new middle school.

The JSSBC then voted unanimously to approve building the new middle school, renovate the other two middle schools and include a special education facility.

Only AFTER their vote did the JSSBC allow public comment.

On Nov. 12th the Board of Alderman introduced legislation to authorize the mayor and city treasurer to issue bond not to exceed $118 million to fund the new middle school project.

Many questions remain unanswered.

  • There’s no easement to access the landlocked parcel of land being used.
  • Why use a landlocked parcel that requires the city to purchase an easement and adds $2 million dollars in road construction costs?
  • There are no “enrollment projections developed through a statistically valid process” required by state regulation to determine the size of the buildings needed.
  • There’s no analysis and plan for special education or technology.
  • There’s no estimate on the increase in transportation costs; there’s no redistricting plan, etc. etc.

Without completing the needed feasibility studies, the aldermen will be holding a public hearing on December 2nd at 7 pm in City Hall to approve $118 million in bonds.

Many questions remain unanswered. This process is being subverted and the people of Nashua deserve better.

Doris Hohensee

Doris Hohensee is a member of the Nashua School Board.


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