
Hal Shurtleff on His Free Speech win at the US Supreme Court (Shurtleff v. City of Boston)

Fresh off his 9-0 SCOTUS Free Speech win (Shurtleff vs the City of Boston), Hal Shurtleff, the co-founder, and the director of Camp Constitution joins us to talk about the case, the experience, and free speech in America.


Hal Shurtleff On His Free Speech win at the US Supreme Court (Shurtleff v. City of Boston)

Fresh off his 9-0 SCOTUS Free Speech win (Shurtleff vs the City of Boston), Hal Shurtleff, the co-founder, and the director of Camp Constitution joins us to talk about the case, the experience, and free speech in America.


9-0 Supreme Court Decision Favors Free Speech, Hal Shurtleff, and Camp Constitution

Congratulations to ‘Grok friend Hal Shurtleff and Camp Constitution as the US Supreme Court once again voted in favor of free speech with a 9-0 shellacking of the City of Boston.

Jeanine Notter HTL Rally

Jeanine Notter, Al Baldasaro, Ann Marie Banfield, Hal Shurtleff and Scott Adler

Rep Jeanine Notter takes control of the program with guests Rep Al Baldasaro, Ann Marie Banfield, Hal Shurtleff, and Scott Adler from Merrimack Concerned Taxpayers. Listen on Spreaker

GrokTALK! – Hal Shurtleff on Opposing the Constitutional Convention

Hal Shurtleff is the Regional Field Director for the John Birch Society in New England, and he joins the program to discuss Article five of the US Constitution and Convention of states movement.  And all the reasons why he thinks it is a very bad idea.

GrokTALK! – Hal Shurtleff on Opposing the Constitutional Convention

Hal Shurtleff is the Regional Field Director for the John Birch Society in New England, and he joins the program to discuss Article five of the US Constitution and Convention of states movement.  And all the reasons why he thinks it is a very bad idea.   Hal’s Segment BEgins at the 30-minute mark. Show … Read more

Renny Cushing Challenges Steve Shurtleff for NH Dem House Speaker

The Union Leader is reporting that Democrat House Rep Renny Cushing has stepped up to challenge presumed Democrat New Hampshire House heir Steve Shurtleff. Dept’y Dog Shurtleff, around these parts. The current minority leader in the lower chamber of the state legislature. Shurtleff wants to be Speaker. As leader of the Democrats in the House for … Read more


Local Social Justice Group Co-Founder Tries to Help Democrat Speaker Shurtleff Rewrite New Hampshire History

The Kent Street Coalition is a New Hampshire based social justice action group pushing progressive politics at the State House. Their co-founder, Louise Spencer has put forward an outrageous lie about Speaker Shurtleff in the Concord Monitor that cannot go unchallenged.

Steve “Pocket-Stalin” Shurtleff Disgraces Himself and Makes a Mockery of the N.H. House By Holding Soviet-Style Show Trials

Yesterday Speaker Steve Shurtleff earned the moniker I use for him … Pocket-Stalin … by spending half a day conducting Soviet-style show-trials of the handful of GOP Reps who had the courage of their convictions NOT to attend the House’s reeducation camps (House Rule 67). In a recent post, I demonstrated that House Rule 67 … Read more

Dear GOP House Reps: You are NOT Required to Attend Speaker Shurtleff’s Reeducation Camps

So last week Ethan DeWitt of the Concord Monitor vented on twitter about House GOP (1) not all following the House Rule for mandatory “harassment” and “discrimination” “training”:  67. All legislators, legislative officers, and legislative staff shall attend in-person education and training regarding sexual and other unlawful harassment and discrimination. and (2) some attending an … Read more

NH Speaker of the House Steve Shurtleff

NH Speaker of the House Steve “Deputy Dawg” Shurtleff: I & my fellow Democrats are better than the NH Constitution

Or so he basically just said on WMUR News tonite.  First, let me set the table: NH State Rep Laura Pantelakos (D): “I don’t care about protecting peoples’ Liberty“ NH State Rep Cynthia Chase (D): (concerning the Free State Project having chosen NH as their destination state, even as Chase did the same as a … Read more

Rep Stephen Shurtleff Should Move To Paris

Stephen ‘Deputy Dawg’ Shurtleff is not very happy about the legislators voting to allow concealed firearms in the House chamber.  I can see why.  The last time the  New Hampshire House refused to disarm representatives just so they could serve (2011-2012) nothing happened. In related news, ‘officials’ acting on behalf of the government in Paris … Read more

On House Journals And Shurtleff’s and Rollo’s And Progress Now

Rick does all the heavy lifting here on the addition of the Bloomberg Bus Anti-Gun Rally into the New Hampshire House Journal.  I think this might set a precedent that will have reps putting all kinds of crap in the journal that does not belong there.  I am not an avid reader of the document … Read more

Breaking News: Bloomie’s anti-gun rally in Concord led by Deputy Dawg Shurtleff a dud

I was not there (little thing called work) but have had several calls about what was going on.  The big news: More people there to demonstrate for Second Amendment Rights than the anti-Constitution / anti-gun crowd; what happened MoveOn and Granite State Progress? The big “event” of the event was the Concord Police making fools … Read more

Guest Post by Paladin – a short commentary on HB135 (the NH “Run Away!” bill) sponsored by Stephen Shurtleff

From time to time, we accept and post up guest posts from either folks that we consider to be “notables” or from someone who has something to say.  I have also had the policy that I accept anonymous submissions as well and have put some up in the past – people who have something to … Read more

More Scared Shurtleff: “Guns for me but not for thee!’

In response to one of my Scared Shurtleff posts, a reader sent me an email.  In it, he writes “Recently Rep. Stephen Shurtleff, D, Merrick District 11, introduced  HB 113’.  He goes on to say “I find no comfort from Rep. Stephen Shurtleff’s self-centered approach to gun control, because he is exempt from his own … Read more

Nashua Sued in Federal Court for Viewpoint Discrimination

Regular readers will know that the Donchess regime in Nashua is very selective about the flags it allows on the citizen’s pole—almost, dare I say, partisan in its rejection. Most recently, Stephen and Beth Scaer (who both write for GraniteGrok) asked the city to fly the de-trans flag. It was rejected, and an appeal to … Read more

Books You Are Not Supposed To Read

This list I have compiled isn’t in any particular order, except for the last book. It is just a handful of many books that may reinforce, challenge, and/or change the readers’ worldview. All of them are either in print and/or available on Amazon except one, which has been banned by Amazon but is available from … Read more

Lord Monckton: The Blob Is To Blame for Street Rioting in a Nation of Habitual Peace

For the first time ever, foreign countries are recommending that their citizens should no longer travel to the usually gentle and peaceable United Kingdom on the ground that the growing frequency of violent riots has made us a dangerous destination. How has this happened? Our Marxstream media, now more or less entirely captured by agents … Read more

Camp Constitution Logo

Event: Camp Constitution Family Camp

Camp Constitution’s third annual weekend family camp will be held from Friday, September 27 to Sunday, September at Camp Sentinel in Tuftonboro, NH.  https://www.campsentinel.org/ This year’s weekend instructors include  Rev. Steve Craft, author of  America:  Home of the Brave or Land of the Slave, Michael King of the Massachusetts Family Institute, and New Hampshire State Rep. Paul … Read more