Where Did Bryan Gregory Griffith Vote Absentee From?

The Arborist just touched on it, I’m going to beat it with a bat.  (A Democrat approved methodology, let us not forget.) Martha Fuller Clark’s memory is not terribly reliable.  So we probably can’t ask her to explain why a Lawyer from Arkansas (Bauxite AR to be exact) used her address to vote using a … Read more

Part 3 – Staying At Martha’s Motel and School of Drive By Voting: Bryan Gregory Griffith

As Grokster Steve pointed out here: When asked about the legitimacy of their domicile status, Clark said: “By and large, the young people who stayed with me were committed to New Hampshire, but given their age, whether they intended to stay is impossible to predict.” Talk about a total BS answer.  State Senator Clark was … Read more

Lebanon double voter Helen Ashley - Project Veritas Image

NH AG: I Slap Thee on The Wrist for Thine Vote Fraud!

Remember the Democrat activist who dressed as a woman to enable him to vote twice in Lebanon? He was let go with a $300 fine. This is the absolute minimum anyone would pay for such a blatant election law violation.

Two-State Voter Jared Cram: More Proof That There is No Ballot Integrity In NH.

You may recall Democrat Jared Steven Cram.  He’s a lawyer in Pennsylvania, where he has been living, working, and voting continuously since 2005 (with the exception of 2008).  He has been registered in PA since 2002 as a student at PSU.  This is the same Jared Steven Cram who has also been continuously registered to … Read more

Domiciles and Imbeciles

A NH Legislator has come up with a brilliant idea to raise money for the government. How about this for a new law? Tax every hotel room in a municipality that adopts this proposed legislation, only occupied ones that is. That new tax to be recorded and sent to the municipality. The “hotel room” in … Read more

Keeping Vote Fraud In The Black

Parker Gilbert, who is not from around here, was told by someone in the Democrat Party that he could vote here.  In November of 2012 he did just that, voting from his dorm room at Dartmouth, in Hanover New Hampshire.  Thousands of college students have been similarly instructed by Democrat activists, elected officials, liberal professors, … Read more

Let’s be Honest About Who Is Suppressing Votes in New Hampshire

The majority of vote suppression in New Hampshire is caused by Democrats harboring and/or encouraging non-residents to vote here instead of where they actually live, thereby suppressing the electoral voice of actual residents whose votes are erased as a result.  The Democrat’s suppression of your votes is wide-spread, and their commitment to suppressing your will … Read more

It’s Not Vote Suppression If They Can Vote Absentee Where They Actually Live.

Yesterday, while speaking with Ed Naile on GrokTALK!, I brought up the Democrats claims that we are suppressing votes.  That objecting to out-of-state Democrat operatives or out-of-state-rate-tuition-paying college students voting in New Hampshire is a form of vote suppression.   These are people with multiple “domiciles,” a duplicitous “presence,” in multiple states.  (Many of them are … Read more

NH Democrats Protest – Scott Brown’s Not From Here. (But He Has A Better Claim Than Many of Your Registered Voters)

Democrat protesters held signs outside a Republican function in Londonderry, apparently incensed about the idea of Scott Brown claiming to be from New Hampshire… Alana Biden claimed to be from New Hampshire, long enough to vote here, then she left.  New Hampshire Democrats defended her residency claims and still do. Martha Fuller Clark had a … Read more

GrokTALK! Special – Voter Fraud with Jeff Chidester WGIR AM 610

This morning, Ed Naile of CNHT and I were on with ‘Grok friend Jeff Chidester on The Morning Buzz from 8am to 9am this morning (like I told Jeff, thanks for letting me drive down from the Lakes Region in the middle of a torrential rain / constant lightning thunderstorm – I’ll remember that for … Read more

I’m Gonna Back Jen Horn on This One

I’m no party hack, that is certain.  But as the left ponders the idea of a full out assault on NH-GOP Chair Jennifer Horn, after the NH-AG voter fraud division “cleared” Martha Fuller Clark’s home–in the historic vote-fraud district of Portsmouth–of any “wrongdoing,” one very simple fact remains.  While we’d like to say we helped … Read more

Martha’s Motel Still not Out Of The Woods

Democrat Senator Martha Fuller Clark is NOT off the hook and the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office, under the ever watchful eye of another New Hampshire Democrat, can make all the consoling statements it wants, Fuller-Clark facilitated the ability of out of state entities to erase your vote. Consider… Bryan Gregory Griffith lives in Arkansas … Read more

NH AG Legitimizes Special Class Of Voters and You’re Not One of Them

The Arborist, when taking the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office to task for the recent “investigation” that cleared the “voters” who claimed residence at Martha’s Motel for voting purposes then went back home, off to other campaigns, or back to their staffer jobs in DC, makes an important point that should not be overlooked… “…It … Read more

Is That Whitewash In Your Eye? You Must Work For the NH AG

So what else is new?  The New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office has “cleared” NH State Senator Martha Fuller Clark of harboring non-residents at her voter fraud mansion in Portsmouth.  Big deal! The AG has been doing this kind of stuff since 1993 that I know of. All the NH AG’s Election Division has done is … Read more

Voter Fraud – so NOW they want off the Voter Checklist?

Looking like some of the folks we have been writing about concerning them being “drive by Voters” have figured out that they’ve figuratively been “Voter Scalped” – and have turned in their resignation papers.  Does this mean that they are dropping out of the political wars?  From SeacoastOnline: (reformatted, emphasis mine) Three Obama campaigners drop … Read more

What Does He Use For A Return Address?

Hand in hand we stroll down voter fraud lane – otherwise known as the “road to the Clark House.” Yesterday, thanks to public pressure in their own states, several of the long lists of non-resident voters in NH relinquished their keys to Martha’s Motel. The out-of-state voters wrote to Portsmouth’s holier than thou election officials … Read more

Notice Something Odd About the Patrons at Martha’s Motel?

Isn’t there a running joke that all serial killers go by or are presented with three names?  Does that apply to vote stealing helicopter OFA voters as well?  Not people, liberty, though progressive polices are like a slow form of murder I suppose, slavery at the very least. Well, here’s the list of out of … Read more

Rashida Tlaib Censured by US House: Chris Pappas Votes Yea; Ann Kuster Votes Nay [Complete Roll Call Included]

Rep Rashida Tlaib is not shy about her partisan preference for Palestine. She claims to be Palestinian. So when Hamas invaded Israel and slaughtered civilians, Tlaib wasn’t remorseful. In fact, she had some rather impolite remarks, which is par for the course.

Lavanya Prabhakar

Massachusetts Resident Working Shaheen Campaign Has Registered to Vote in NH

Another case of voter fraud/vote stealing?  Meet, Lavanya Prabhakar whose legal domicile is not from around here.

I voted Absentee

We Need to Combat Democrat Voter Suppression In New Hampshire

The New Hampshire Democrat war on voting rights continues. It is a years-long concerted effort to steal votes from other states that the Granite State does not deserve.