Martha’s Motel Still not Out Of The Woods

Steve MacDonald

I dont always vote in NH but when I do I live at Martha Fuller Clarks HouseDemocrat Senator Martha Fuller Clark is NOT off the hook and the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office, under the ever watchful eye of another New Hampshire Democrat, can make all the consoling statements it wants, Fuller-Clark facilitated the ability of out of state entities to erase your vote.


Bryan Gregory Griffith lives in Arkansas but was registered to vote at Martha’s Motel.  When the November election came along he could have voted in either state.  We’ve already established that this creates a constitutionally questionable circumstance.

You can’t vote or claim domicile in Arkansas while living here, and according to Arkansas law, Griffith can’t vote in New Hampshire without abandoning his right of domicile in Arkansas, which I’m quite certain the lawyer from Arkansas has not done.   Something else Bry-Bry didn’t do, vote absentee in Arkansas.  But he did vote absentee in New Hampshire, and Martha Fuller Clark didn’t do a thing to prevent it, probably because Griffith is a Democrat, from another state, not staying in her home when he voted ‘absentee’ from her home, and was voting for her and her parties candidates, and she was certain she could get away with it.

Thanks to the NH AG, she just did.

Several other non-residents who had previously registered at the Martha’s Motel were living and working elsewhere, according to Clark, but were still registerd to vote from her home in the Historical Vote Fraud district of Portsmouth, and could just have easily voted absentee in New Hampshire, with the NH AG’ blessing, despite having long left their tenuous and temporary attachment to anything Granite State other than Fuller Clark’s flawed memory and a name on a checklist that should have been purged years ago but conveniently….never was. (At least until this scandal broke.)

Do you really want and electoral system with so many holes in it that thousands of people, maybe tens of thousands, could register in New Hampshire having merely set foot in the state on a whim with a promise, and be registered in another state, who were just a phone call away from erasing your vote by voting absentee in your town or district because the Democrat candidate (ballot issue, warrant article, budget item, bond, etc) needed the votes?

That is where we are.  You no longer have a voice.  There is no guarantee that, given the way the law is being interpreted, when something passes or fails in your town, if the people who will be subject to that actually voted for or against it.

The kicker in all of this is that while court cases so far have supported the idea of temporary domicile for voting purposes, in all cases the voter was expected to abandon their previous domicile outside the state.   Bryan Gregory Griffith’s has not done this to the best of our knowledge, nor have others including mobile domicile voters who remained (until recently) on the checklist from the historical Voter Fraud district in Portsmouth.  The children of Democrat Emma Rous never abandoned their domiciles, they just came to New Hampshire to vote, then went home.  Paolo Cozzi still lives and vote from Sommerville Massachusetts residence, and thousands of colleg studetns retain their out of state drivers licences and continue to remain domiciled at their parents homes outside New Hampshire.

The only thing that has been abandoned is common sense, rule of law, ethics, inegrity, and any effort by anyone tasked with ensuring that the votes of actual permananet residents–who are not registered, or cannot vote absentee anywhere else but in New Hampshire–are protected so that their voice is heard and not watered down or erased by politically motivated bureaucrats and connected officials who are content to let the rest of the nation look on in stupefied awe at how the first in the nation primary state can expect anyone to take it seriosuly when anyone can claim to live here, vote in a critical national primary or election and then wander back home without anyone batting an eye. assuming the didn’t vote absentee in New Hampshire from their real home in the first place.

If fate is as cruel as history lets on the other states will rise up and threaten to strip New Hampshire of its golden goose of a primary if it doesn’t get it’s swiss-chees domcilie rules under control.  The only other justice I can imagine more satisfying than that is for thousands of Free Staters to vote bsentee from their new “home” somewhere near the hisotrical vote-fraud district in Portsmouth, in the November2014 elections.

They just need to establish a “presence.”  Using Griffith as a model, vote fraud couldn’t be any easier.




  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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