I’m Gonna Back Jen Horn on This One

Steve MacDonald

So tell me again - vote stealing activists use NH Democrat Martha Fuller Clarks house to vote fromI’m no party hack, that is certain.  But as the left ponders the idea of a full out assault on NH-GOP Chair Jennifer Horn, after the NH-AG voter fraud division “cleared” Martha Fuller Clark’s home–in the historic vote-fraud district of Portsmouth–of any “wrongdoing,” one very simple fact remains.  While we’d like to say we helped out, if we’re just talking political parties, Jen Horn may have done more to get bad names off of voter checklists in the past month than the New Hampshire AG’s office has done in the past decade.

I think Jennifer Horn should turn up the heat, I know we intend to.

I think Horn needs to ignore the Democrats, ignore the NH-AG, and speak to the people; the residents and taxpayers of New Hampshire.  Ask them this question..every week, if necessary.

“Why is it OK for an Obama Campaigner, who happens to be an attorney from Arkansas, to vote absentee from Martha Fuller Clark’s house in the historical vote-fraud district in Portsmouth instead of from his own home in Arkansas?”

There are still hundreds, if not thousands of bad names on checklists all over New Hampshire, a majority of them being OFA staffers and the Adult children of elected and formerly elected New Hampshire Democrats.   The vice-chair of the Democrat Party in New Hampshire–and a sitting Democrat state Senator–still can’t or wont explain why the names of Obama Campaign workers were still listed on the checklist in Portsmouth as registered to vote from her 1.4 million dollar home (in the historical vote-fraud district) long after she claims they left the state.

If it were not for the New Media, Chair Horn, and the NH-GOP, those names would still be on that checklist; names of folks who could then vote absentee in New Hampshire just like Arkansas Attorney Bryan Gregory Griffith, without ever having set foot back in the state since they registered to vote here from Martha’s Motel, or any of the other “domiciles” that all (just coincidentally) happen to be the homes of New Hampshire Democrats or Democrat party supporters.

We know the NH AG won’t or can’t do anything about it.  So it is up to New Hampshire Republicans to stand for the integrity of your ballot box.  We’ll present the evidence and you can choose for yourself whether you think the state is letting out of state residents steal your votes by erasing yours with theirs.  You can decide if it is racist to object to a bunch of pasty-white college kids and Democrat staffers sliding in and out of bed with the Democrat party to stuff local ballot boxes and then run back to their lives and jobs in other states.  We want you to ask if you think it is important the the people who have to live with the results of elections, be they budgets, warrant articles, or the actions of elected officials, be the ones who influence the outcomes of those votes and elections, or are you really OK with potentially thousands and thousands of out of state transients showing up long enough to dilute your local elections with their so-called ‘right to vote’ here instead of voting where they actually live, or simply voting absentee where they actually live–as opposed to voting absentee from the home of Martha Fuller Clark (or some other Democrat’s home )in our state.

We know where Democrats stand.  They want to let people steal your votes and stuff your ballot boxes.  We know they don’t want a trail of evidence for same day registrants that would aid in limiting, stopping, or identifying vote fraud.  We know they will cry racism and intimidation in contradiction to all the evidence that says everyone actually approves of voter ID, and tighter election laws that protect their votes.

We know where the NH AG stands.  And they’ve been ignoring violations to election law and vote fraud for years, whether the progressives had already made it easy, legal, or not.

And we know where Jennifer Horn stood when she heard about the voter-barn at Martha Fuller Clark’s home after WMUR released it to distract (or take advantage of) from James O’Keefe’s book signing tour in New Hampshire.  She stood with the residents and taxpayers on the side of clean election with clean checklists.

And I stand with Jen Horn on this one.  I Just hope she still stands with us because we’ve only just begun exposing the names of OFA and Democrat campaigners (and their fellow travelers) who came here, voted here, then went back home.

And as for the Democrat favoring media and Harrell “I just happen to have been the press secretary for the Democrat State Party and OFA ” Kirstein, I encourage you to demand apologies.  It will just give us another reason to ask New Hampshire residents…

…Why is it OK for an attorney from Arkansas to vote absentee from Martha Fuller Clark’s house and not from his own home in Arkansas?






  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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