Voter Fraud – so NOW they want off the Voter Checklist?


Scalped_procLooking like some of the folks we have been writing about concerning them being “drive by Voters” have figured out that they’ve figuratively been “Voter Scalped” – and have turned in their resignation papers.  Does this mean that they are dropping out of the political wars?  From SeacoastOnline: (reformatted, emphasis mine)

Three Obama campaigners drop Fuller Clark address

PORTSMOUTH — Three Obama for America campaign workers, who registered to vote using Sen. Martha Fuller Clark’s address, have been removed from the city’s voter list at their request, according to the City Clerk’s office.  The three are Bryan Gregory Griffith, Andrea Marie Riccio and Ellen Rose Whelan-Wuest. According to the clerk’s office, all recently wrote letters to the city asking to be removed from the voter checklist and the letters were referred to the city’s Board of Registers. The board met Tuesday and removed them from the voter checklist, the clerk’s office reported. Fuller Clark’s spokesman, Keith McCrea, said on Tuesday that the senator had no comment.Fuller Clark previously explained that Griffith worked for the Obama campaign and stayed at her home from last June or July, through December. Riccio, she said, was her 2008 campaign manager before moving to Washington, D.C. in 2009, and that she hadn’t lived or voted in New Hampshire since then. Fuller Clark said Whelan-Wuest worked for the Obama campaign in 2008.

But they STILL were on the voter checklist AFTER the state wide purge?  HOW was Andrea Marie Riccio still on the checklist?  Who asked that she NOT be removed?

…Before Tuesday, eight voters were registered with the city clerk’s office using Fuller Clark’s home address as their own, five of them unrelated to the Democratic senator. Fuller Clark, 70, lives at 152 Middle St., in an antique three-story home valued at $1.4 million.  According to the city clerk’s office, Fuller Clark, her husband, Geoffrey Clark, and her son, Nathaniel Clark, are all registered to vote at that address. Also registered there is Anna Deforest Meyer, who Fuller Clark said is her goddaughter who has been renting a third-floor apartment in her home since the fall of 2011. Also registered to vote using Fuller Clark’s address is Ryan Fitzpatrick Flynn who, said Fuller Clark, worked for the Obama campaign and stayed at her home from last June or July, through December. Flynn remains on the voter checklist, according to the clerk’s office.“There’s nothing here that’s illegal or inappropriate,” she said. “We have, as you know, an ample Federal house. Our children are no longer here and that means we have a number of extra bedrooms and a third-floor apartment. I suppose it’s just being part of a good community supporter and citizen.”

Good for Community, Good as a neighbor – “sharing is caring”.  Even better if you’re a Drive By Voter Operative – a big “X” on that political landing zone.  All those brand new friends and with the intent to vote here in the First In The Nation Primary State – and NOW, having left the building a while ago, decide to decrease the size of the Democrat Fatburger.

And remember, we have the DEFINITIVE definition of how “intent” – thanks to Deputy Secretary of State David Scanlan:

He also said state law allows a person to move to the state one day, with the intention of staying in New Hampshire and registering to vote the next day, then moving out-of-state the third day because of a life change.

A life change.  As in, perhaps, “my work here is done!” ?

But if someone moves solely to vote, he said, “that’s something completely different.

Bryan Gregory Griffith (#1 & #2). Andrea Marie Riccio (#2). Ellen Rose Whelan-Wuest (#1 & #2). Ryan Fitzpatrick Flynn (#1).  You might have taken advantage of “intent” – we’re taking advantage of Google.  Who wins?


  • Skip

    Co-founder of GraniteGrok, my concern is around Individual Liberty and Freedom and how the Government is taking that away. As an evangelical Christian and Conservative with small "L" libertarian leanings, my fight is with Progressives forcing a collectivized, secular humanistic future upon us. As a TEA Party activist, citizen journalist, and pundit!, my goal is to use the New Media to advance the radical notions of America's Founders back into our culture.

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