Obama Golfs With Guy Who Solicits Whores

Steve MacDonald

I suppose it is the state of media and their love affair with Mr. Obama that when in the midst of a hatchet job on a potential opponent over accusations of sexual misconduct that the leader of the free world gets a pass for golfing with a guy convicted of soliciting prostitutes.

Politco/White House Stenographer Jennifer Epstein

Obama is(sic) played with two White House staffers — Marvin Nicholson and Pete Selfridge — and with high school classmate Bobby Titcomb, according to a pool report. In April, Titcomb was one of four men arrested as part of an undercover prostitution sting. He was later released on $500 bail. In May, Titcomb didn’t appear in court as his lawyer offered a no contest plea

Whatever your own thoughts, prostitution is still illegal in most places and rumor has it the girls are not treated particularly well.  So there is something to be said for the timing and optics given the "influential men treating women as sex objects" smear Politco has been waging on Mr. Herman Cain.  While Cain is defending himself from Obama’s pit bull David Axelrod, most of the Staff at Politco, and a dyspeptic conga-line of publicity-seeking-future-reality-star/potential-tell-all-book-deal-signing gold-diggers, Mr. Obama is casually hitting a little white ball around exclusive Hawaiian country clubs, in golf slacks and a pricey polo, with a guy who solicits sex from whores.

Hey.  Hookers are a shovel ready job, right?! 

Titcomb and Obama attended the Punahou School together, have been close for decades and are frequent golf buddies. Before Monday, the two last golfed together during the president’s 2010 Christmas vacation. The Obamas regularly attend hours-long parties at Titcomb’s Oahu home.

A judge said that the charges against Titcomb would be dismissed in six months if he didn’t have other run-ins with the law. That six month period has ended. Titcomb was also required to pay a $500 fine and to donate to a criminal injury compensation fund.

Titcomb has faced other minor run-ins with the law, including a conviction on a contempt of court charge in 1986 and several driving violations, including leaving the scene of an accident in 1989. 

Leaving the scene is a minor violation?  Not for the 99% it’s not–that would be the real 99% not the 0.99% whiny brat criminal losers at the #OccupyImorality movement.  Though I think we can see why Democrats relate to the latter.Obama checks out womans backside

Overall it is the matter-of-factness of this that I find most instructive.  Politico wrote hundreds of stories about Herman Cain on an obvious mission to smear him.  The smear is driven by assumptions and hear-say, and allegations without evidence.   But the president golfing with a guy who has had past run-ins with the law, and tried to pay a hooker for sex, is reported (by a woman) like a whistle stop in some germane travel guide.   Are Obama’s criminal associations and questionable peer group so beneath the pale that this warrants little more than a "been there done that?"

"Dom Obama played a round of golf (use your best Brando/Godfather accent) with a domestic terrorist, communist sympathizers, a guy who ruins people to protect the Boss, and whose this guy–one arrest for soliciting a prostitute?  Get outta-here you amateur."

Or perhaps Politico’s real objection on their Cain smear–short of the obvious desire to make sure Obama can still play the race card until November 2012–is not how women are treated in general by men in positions of power, but that the women did not complain about failing to receive proper compensation first?


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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