My name is Stephen Scaer, and I am running for the NH State Senate in District 13, which encompasses Nashua Wards 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9. I have lived in Nashua for 28 years.
President Barack Obama
A Federal “Assault Weapons” Buy-Back Program
National Media Theme: Voting Block Is Becoming Less White
Imagine a judicial nominee said ‘my experience as a white man makes me better than a Latina woman.’ Wouldn’t they have to withdraw? New racism is no better than old racism. —Newt Gingrich
The vote is in. Obama is still President. The Republican establishment got exactly what they wanted: Romney as a candidate; a losing candidate. And despite their tireless inane mantra during the primaries exclaiming, “Romney is the only guy who can beat Obama” So what be the post-game analysis now? Romney lost. Romney was never a conservative. He said he was a conservative but we all knew differently…and like so many others we voted for him because voting for Obama was not an alternative for us.
But the real story here is what the biased, liberal in-the-bag lamestream media has to say about it the morning after: America, because it is less white, voted for Obama.
G20 and Comrade Obama
“Collective states are constitutionally incapable of reliably producing anything but corpses.” —L. Neil Smith
Needing an economic boost, President Barack Obama goes to the G20 Summit in Mexico…hat in hand…looking for some commitments from the European Leaders, trying to land assurances that Europe is fomenting a plan to bolster markets and prevent Europe’s challenges from sucking the rest of the world into its’ economic abyss. Hypocritically, Comrade Obama pressed the Euro-socialist leaders to hasten economic demand, while the Europeans want Obama to promise the United States won’t fiscally tank at the close of 2012.
Barry & Democrats Got Nothing To Say About Bank Bonuses?
Bank Bonuses, Bank Bonuses, Obama got no problem with them now?
Obama Golfs With Guy Who Solicits Whores
I suppose it is the state of media and their love affair with Mr. Obama that when in the midst of a hatchet job on a potential opponent over accusations of sexual misconduct that the leader of the free world gets a pass for golfing with a guy convicted of soliciting prostitutes.
Politco/White House Stenographer Jennifer Epstein
Obama is(sic) played with two White House staffers — Marvin Nicholson and Pete Selfridge — and with high school classmate Bobby Titcomb, according to a pool report. In April, Titcomb was one of four men arrested as part of an undercover prostitution sting. He was later released on $500 bail. In May, Titcomb didn’t appear in court as his lawyer offered a no contest plea
Whatever your own thoughts, prostitution is still illegal in most places and rumor has it the girls are not treated particularly well. So there is something to be said for the timing and optics given the "influential men treating women as sex objects" smear Politco has been waging on Mr. Herman Cain. While Cain is defending himself from Obama’s pit bull David Axelrod, most of the Staff at Politco, and a dyspeptic conga-line of publicity-seeking-future-reality-star/potential-tell-all-book-deal-signing gold-diggers, Mr. Obama is casually hitting a little white ball around exclusive Hawaiian country clubs, in golf slacks and a pricey polo, with a guy who solicits sex from whores.
Hey. Hookers are a shovel ready job, right?!
“The only reason people get lost in thought is because it’s unfamiliar territory.” —Paul Fix In July of 2009, West park Florida in Broward County named its’ first street for President Barack Obama. After Obama was inaugurated, West Park Commissioners voted to rename Southwest 40th Avenue in his honor. West park City Commissioner Tommy Dorsett … Read more
Jeanne Shaheen: “Porking” Those Tax Increases Down Our Throats
“If Thomas Jefferson thought taxation without representation was bad, he should see how it is with representation …” —Rush Limbaugh
Today’s Union Leader Editorial, entitled, “Free Cops!” points once again to the ills of having a big-government Democrat like Jeanne Shaheen serving the Granite State in the U.S. Senate. Like her liberal counterpart, former Congressperson Carol Shea-Porter, Shaheen brings home the bacon … To wit: a $1.4 million federal grant to pay for six new police officers; Providing four for Manchester and one each for Pelham and Claremont.
Not a new scheme at all. During the Clinton years we see how well it worked here in the Queen city the last time the Federal Nanny doled out money for cops. And as always, there is an end on the horizon for that funding which only segues the bitter fiscal fight also on the horizon. Police administrators, Union hacks and those in city government with a shameless fealty for tax and spend policies to keep those positions, will seek to have them funded on the backs of local taxpayers. Epic Fail. This latest grant is a mere redux of the same scheme.
Senator Shaheen is the epitome a big-government liberal. She does not respect local government, nor the people who elected her. This is a clear second example of such in just a few short months where Shaheen advocated for the Feds to contract locally with Planned Parenthood in the wake of the Executive Council’s vote not to fund Planned Parenthood services in the Granite State. Now she gives Manchester government a back-handed slap.
“No science is immune to the infection of politics and the corruption of power … “ —Jacob Bronowski
Solyndra is a California-based “green energy” company that sought more than $500 Million is loan guarantees from the Department of Energy and has now filed for bankruptcy protection.
Solyndra first sought consideration for the loan guarantee program (a that began under the Bush administration) during the last days of the GWB administration. They were denied. The Obama administration subsequently expanded the loan guarantee program via the stimulus and approved a half billion loan.
So now that Solyndra has sought bankruptcy protection, some private investors are lining up to get repaid even before the U.S. Taxpayers. the FBI’s criminal investigation is now seeking to know whether Solyndra execs knowingly and purposely misled DOE to obtain loan guarantees.