Rockingham 14 Has RINO Written All Over It

Steve MacDonald

RINO'sI have no end of respect for Firefighters and their commitment to others, but politically there is very little evidence that when they run as (r)epublicans in New Hampshire they have any intention of supporting the party or the platform.

The latest example is in Rockingham 14 where Veteran Firefighter Kevin Janvrin has won the low-turnout GOP primary for an upcoming special election.  While I’d be more than happy to have Kevin working as an EMT in my town, I have serious doubts about him working for Republicans in Rock 14. 

Mr. Janvrin’s reported largest primary contributor was David Lang, the President of the Professional Fire Fighters of New Hampshire.  Mr. Lang’s PAC, of which he is the chairman, has a very specific union agenda.  It donates almost 100% of its campaign dollars exclusively to democrat committees and candidates. (Through the PFFNH PAC and another PAC the union runs, Middle Class NH PAC.)  So why support Mr. Janvrin with a personal donation when the only other one I could find of similar value was to Democrat Jackie Cilley?

The answer is to try and make sure the outcome is irrelevant.  That way the union gets its agenda addressed no matter which party wins. An agenda that aligns 99.9% of the time with big-government, nanny-state left wingers.  So if PFFNH gives him money he looks like a connected union plant, but lets be honest, having it come from Lang is no different.  Janvrin looks like another union lackey running as a (r)epublican.

It will be interesting to see the other finance reports for Rock 14.  Maybe PFFNH or one of its officers is or has placed bets on the other side of the race as well.  (Janvrin has reported only had three primary donations-Lang, a firefighter Frank Chase, and another from Jabe Felch.)

Another point of interest is Mr. Janvrin’s candidate blurb, the beauty queen contestant equivalent of "If I am lucky enough to win the pageant this is what I’d like to do" remarks.  While these are intentionally ‘generic’ his does little to suggest he has been advised by anyone outside the union-left wing cabal.  They are full of democrat pap, with little obvious difference from that of his "left wing" opponent.

 From Janvrin’s home town paper in Newburyport Massachusetts, not exactly the breeding ground of Republicans.

Kevin Janvrin

Reasons for seeking office: As the owner of a small business, a firefighter and father, I became increasingly concerned over some of the actions of our lawmakers, Republican and Democrat alike, as witnessed over the past legislative session. I am greatly troubled that amongst the arguing and disagreements, the middle class is being forgotten. If elected, I will do everything I can to make sure that the middle class doesn’t get lost in the shuffle of Concord’s politics. I am running because I want the same things for my family and community that you want for yours: an affordable government, a safe society and a healthy family. I will focus on what is important to us, not on divisive social issues that out-of-state interests are bringing to New Hampshire. My priorities are jobs, a healthy economy, education and an environment that helps businesses, while making government affordable and not downshifting costs to our cities and towns. I will not support any new taxes. I will work to restore common sense values, conservative Republican values to our state. I believe in a transparent and common-sense approach to government.

Can’t we all get along? Forgotten Middle class. Focus on Jobs, economy, and education.  Make government work for the people – without raising taxes.

Compare it to his opponents remarks in the same newspaper.

Ryan Mahoney (Democrat)

Reasons for seeking office: I’m running because it’s time to return some common sense to Concord. I am very concerned about legislation that was pushed through the House that would destroy our educational system, make us less safe and devastate New Hampshire’s middle-class families. We need to regain our focus and work across party lines to find solutions. The experience I will bring to Concord is the time-honored New Hampshire tradition of working together, across party lines, to find solutions to our most difficult problems. What is going on in Concord is the complete opposite: people refusing to work together, fighting along political and ideological lines, which is causing more problems for our state. We should be strengthening our economy without increasing taxes and working to bring good-paying jobs to our state. These are the type of common-sense priorities that the people of Hampton Falls, Kensington, Seabrook and South Hampton expect from their government and will be what I bring to the State House.

Can’t we all get along? Forgotten Middle Class. Focus on Jobs, economy, and education.  Make government work for the people – without increasing taxes.


Maybe it is nothing, but the Coffee Party, No Labels, Center Left, pro-government, grow union lobby  (All financed by the left) has been putting up left leaning "republican" primary candidates to dilute the right for years. This does not immediately strike me as anything different.

The union organized behind Janvrin, used union tactics and its get out the vote machine to bring in (r)epublican and independent voters in another low turn out primary.  The left would like to continue short-stroking this as some kind of sign, and maybe it is. But what happens if the right supports the small-government, Libertarian candidate instead?  What if real Republicans and libertarians support Brendan Kelly instead and turn out for the election?

We either get Kelly or Mahoney.  Kelly will  try to protect taxpayers against union thugs and creeping government.  Mahoney, based on his blurb, will just be another ineffective seat warmer for the left-wingers who will either get in line with the more-tax, train-wreck-deficit-driven-budget style of the democrats or get run out of the House by Norelli and her moderate exterminators.

Unions don’t want what is good for the people.  Democrats do not either.  So the choice seems simple enough. Principle before party; Brendan Kelly for Rockingham 14.



Links to Finance and Expenditure reports for the PFFNH and its sister PAC


Middle class NH PAC – (Run from the Same address as PFFNH)


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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