Rockingham 14 Has RINO Written All Over It

RINO'sI have no end of respect for Firefighters and their commitment to others, but politically there is very little evidence that when they run as (r)epublicans in New Hampshire they have any intention of supporting the party or the platform.

The latest example is in Rockingham 14 where Veteran Firefighter Kevin Janvrin has won the low-turnout GOP primary for an upcoming special election.  While I’d be more than happy to have Kevin working as an EMT in my town, I have serious doubts about him working for Republicans in Rock 14. 

Mr. Janvrin’s reported largest primary contributor was David Lang, the President of the Professional Fire Fighters of New Hampshire.  Mr. Lang’s PAC, of which he is the chairman, has a very specific union agenda.  It donates almost 100% of its campaign dollars exclusively to democrat committees and candidates. (Through the PFFNH PAC and another PAC the union runs, Middle Class NH PAC.)  So why support Mr. Janvrin with a personal donation when the only other one I could find of similar value was to Democrat Jackie Cilley?

The answer is to try and make sure the outcome is irrelevant.  That way the union gets its agenda addressed no matter which party wins. An agenda that aligns 99.9% of the time with big-government, nanny-state left wingers.  So if PFFNH gives him money he looks like a connected union plant, but lets be honest, having it come from Lang is no different.  Janvrin looks like another union lackey running as a (r)epublican.

It will be interesting to see the other finance reports for Rock 14.  Maybe PFFNH or one of its officers is or has placed bets on the other side of the race as well.  (Janvrin has reported only had three primary donations-Lang, a firefighter Frank Chase, and another from Jabe Felch.)

Another point of interest is Mr. Janvrin’s candidate blurb, the beauty queen contestant equivalent of "If I am lucky enough to win the pageant this is what I’d like to do" remarks.  While these are intentionally ‘generic’ his does little to suggest he has been advised by anyone outside the union-left wing cabal.  They are full of democrat pap, with little obvious difference from that of his "left wing" opponent.

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Playing 52 Pick Up, And Then Some

New Hampshire Election Information ( has the results posted of its 52-pick up page an effort to identify and track the replacement of fifty-two "of the most statist and the most vulnerable legislators in the New Hampshire House of Representatives."

The final accounting is impressive.

Only four of the fifty two reps listed survived the 2010 election season; Evalyn Merrick (Coos 2), Peter Ramsey (Hills 8), Daniel Sullivan (Hills 8), and Nick ‘The Nuke’ Lavasseur (Hills 11) survived.  The other 48 got washed out in the roughly 296 seat sweep of the House.

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NHDP Policy – “Can’t Win On Issues? Cheat!”

Maggie Hassan must be in danger, why else spend all that money on fake signs with the Republican opponents name on it linking them to higher taxes.  That’s what’s happening in State Senate District 23.  The Democrats, practically overnight, have peppered the district with "counterfeit signs" that look like the candidates signs, but with some … Read more

Hey! I should be on the “Extreme 16” too…

by Tom


As Skip wrote here, "the protestations have begun", with a number of candidates for the New Hampshire Legislature NOT being included in the "Extreme 16" bracket, established by Mary Jane Wellner and Marjorie Smith, who head the Committee to elect House Democrats.

I wrote a letter to Mary and Marjorie, thanking them for highlighting a crop of our Conservative Patriots, who value the principles of small government, fiscal responsibility, individual liberties, and Constitutional adherence!  I also mentioned that they should have called it the "Extreme 300", since there are SO many folks out there running for the NH House and Senate, who qualify for this bracket.  I listed a handful of candidates that I could think of, off the top of my head, not meaning to include them all.  Well, a few people that I did miss replied and said "Hey!, I should be on that list too!".

One of them was Andrew Manuse, who responded to Mary and Marjorie, in the fashion of Ed Mosca.  Here is Andrew’s fine letter to them: (after the jump)

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Fall Festival for Freedom…this weekend!

by Tom

Fall Festival for Freedom, an event with all kinds of great Fall activities for kids and adults. Held in Webster, NH, this event will support Leigh MacNeil and Laurie Sanborn, candidates for the New Hampshire House.

Guest post: “Buck for State Rep.”

by Skip

I had met Chris at the Rochester / Dover 9-12 Picnic and we had the chance to yak for a little while.  So, when he asked if I would put this  up for him, I was just dandy with his request: Dear Neighbor, Do you know your State Representative?  Most people don’t, which is something … Read more

Wrong Way


In the long and undistinguished line of left wing rubber stamps milling about the State House like zombies, you can find Kevin Hodges of Hillsborough 7, perhaps better known as Kevin "Awesome Cool" Hodges, among the undead.  Kevin garnered a small measure of fame after an encounter with a young lady in his district who took umbrage with his casual use of vulgar language and his insults of experienced Republican legislators. 

One editorial (and this blog post) later and Kevin was destined for a followup–so here it is.

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Interview – Andy and Laurie Sanborn (NH Senate & NH House) – Part 3

by Skip

Part 1  Part 2 Continuing in our interview with Laurie and Andy Sanborn (running for the NH House and NH Senate, respectively):  Question 5: if elected to Senate – specifics about on making the footprint of government smaller? Question 6: If elected to House, specifics on mitigating the NH State Pension liability time bomb?    … Read more

Interview – Andy and Laurie Sanborn (NH Senate & NH House) – Part 2

by Skip

Part 1

Continuing in our interview with Laurie and Andy Sanborn (running for the NH House and NH Senate, respectively). 

Question 3:

Government is ever encroaching into biz and personal lives; the Progressives see that as necessary and good governance.  Your thoughts and what will you do to combat that mindset?

Question 4:

Why is this a very important time politically?  What are the driving factors?

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Interview – Andy and Laurie Sanborn (NH Senate & NH House) – Part 1

by Skip

Normally, the ‘Grok interviews have been "micro" – a couple of questions and up to 5 minutes.  Given this election cycle, given this time in that cycle, we’re switching a couple of gears.

I got to know Andy a couple of years ago and have categorized him as gentle giant of a man – and a Happy Warrior style campaigner.  Stolidly conservative, he is running for the NH Senate in District 7.  His wife, Laurie, is also of the conservative persuasion.  Together, they are small (serial) business owners that understand all too well how NH Government has become something out of control under the Progressive / Democrat control of the House, the Senate, the Governorship, and the Executive Council.

In this clip, we ask

Question 1:

Why are you both running?

Over the next few days, we’ll have a bunch more of these as we ask more and more questions.

But for tonight, we have one additional question and answer after the jump (and yes, one of the Groksters decided to practice with his new camera..):

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Bill O’Brien at the Belknap County Republican Committee

by Skip

At the last meeting of the Belknap County Republicans (8/11/10), Bill O’Brien, a NH House Representative and Chair of the NH GOP Platform Committee, gave a brief talk to the assembled crowd (full house!) on some of the changes to the Republican Platform that have been proposed.

Most of them center around an enhanced adherence to the Constitution and the philosophy of a limited government – putting in items to slow down or reverse the growth of Government that has been put on steroids by Democrats since 2006.

Does Bill believe in them? So much so that he is running to be the next Speaker of House; confident that Republicans will take back the House and the Senate here in NH, he believes that he is part of the new Vanguard of Republicans – a renewed and robust leadership that will do more than just give mere lip service to the words: Constitution, limited government, individual liberty and freedom.

Past Republican stewardship talked the talk but reaped the rewards of not doing the walk; Bill intends on leading the pack down Liberty way.

Q & A session that he shared with Jack Kimball after the jump:

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Let’s play catch up, Part 3 – Alton Old Home Day Parade

by Skip

Last Saturday, TMEW and I marched in the Alton (NH) Old Home Day parade to show support for both Jack Kimball (NH Governor) as he was at another event and for Jim Forsythe (NH Senate, District 4). Along the way, we met up with Guy Comtois who is running for NH House of Representatives in … Read more

Micro Interview: Leigh MacNeil, Candidate for NH House…

by Tom

We caught up with Leigh, who is a candidate for the NH House, Merrimack County D4 (Hopkinton, Warner, Webster), yesterday, at the Merrimack County Republican Committee BBQ, in Hopkinton, NH (which he was hosting, along with his daughter, Gianna, and his hefty Pug, Timmy). Leigh is another of our prospective Conservative "citizen legislators", who are active … Read more

Micro-Interview: Kathy Lauer Rago, Candidate for NH House

by Tom

I caught up to Kathy, who is a candidate for the NH House, Merrimack County D2 (Franklin/Hill), yesterday, at the Merrimack County Republican Committee BBQ, in Hopkinton, NH. I first met Kathy at a National Heritage Center for Constitutional Studies seminar, back on June 21.  This particular seminar covered the 1787 (pre Bill of Rights) Constitution.  … Read more

“Speak Truth to Power” – Conservative style

by Tom

Right now, the "power" I speak of lives in two forms:

  • Democrat, Liberal, and Progressive majorities in New Hampshire, and in Washington DC.
  • Abandonment of Conservative, Constitutional principles by too many Republicans.

Both forms of power must be confronted and unplugged.  Let’s talk about the New Hampshire component of this power for the moment:

When Republicans retake their majority in the NH House this November, their reward will be choosing the next Speaker of the House.  The Speaker wields immense power, setting the agenda and direction of the House over his or her term.

Whom Republicans choose as their speaker in January 2011 is extremely important, and will determine whether the momentum we are all fighting for gets exploited, or falls short of its potential.

We must all push hard to insist that Representative Bill O’Brien (R-Hillsborough 4: Mont Vernon, Lyndeborough, Wilton, Temple, New Boston) becomes the next NH Speaker of the House in January 2011.

Representative Gene Chandler (R-Bartlett), former Speaker from 2001 to 2004, is also vying for this position.

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GraniteGrok – Endorsement for William O’Brien for Speaker of the House (NH)

After the jump is a copy of a recent letter sent out by Rep. Bill O’Brien (R – Mt. Vernon), a leader of the House Republican Alliance in the NH State House. The letter announces his run for Speaker of the House, and is well worth reading. O’Brien is a "New Republican." That is, he hearkens back to "Old Republican" values, with a philosophical grounding in Republican principles that were and are upheld by real Republicans of the past and present, including Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan, as well as today’s Jim DeMint, Pat Toomey, Marco Rubio, Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin, and, yes, Ron Paul.

O’Brien has a 100% House Republican Alliance score for both 2009 and 2910. He was awarded an A+ score by the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance (NHLA) for 2009 (and I would expect will get the same grade for 2010 when the scores are released at the NHLA annual dinner in July). He comes from a state house district that in 2008 had one Republican and four Democrats, with NHLA scores of "B" (the Republican), "F", "Constitutional Threat," and "F". Then O’Brien and his co-candidates engineered a victory in that district (Hillsborough #4) in the 2008 elections where only one Democrat remained. The 2009 NHLA scores for the district are "D-" (the one remaining Democrat), "A", "A+", and "A+".

Rep. O’Brien speaks in his letter of the Republican Party becoming "the party of our promise — one that will first and foremost govern this state according to the highest standards, and with fiscal prudence and respect for the rights of individuals." He also pledges to reverse the repeated rules violations that State House Democrats have repeatedly used to get excess spending and other harmful laws passed. "With respect to process, there can be no favorites and no violation of rules," says O’Brien. "That must end."

Finally. An honest Representative who will clean up the cesspool of lies, financial gimmicks and political scams that have been utilized by Gov. Lynch and the state legislature over the past six years in Concord. I highly recommend to everyone that you read Rep. O’Brien’s attached letter, send him some money for his own campaign, and urge your own representatives—whether Republican or Democrat—to support and vote for him for Speaker of the House in January 2011.

If you have not met Rep. O’Brian, watch here (he comes on after Jim Forsythe).

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