GrokTV Event – CNHT in review – The “Congressional” edition!

by Skip

At yesterday’s CNHT Annual Picnic, there were a number of folks running for US Congress (both of NH’s Congressional Districts) that wanted to get their name out there and try to convince some of the activists there “Hey, look!  You should back me!”.

In order of their speaking yesterday:


Congressman Charlie Bass (CD-2)                  Rick Parent (Candidate, CD-1)

More, MUCH more after the jump:

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GrokTV Special Event: Granite State Patriot Liberty PAC TEA Party – Conservative / Libertarian candidates make their case and ask for support

by Skip

No one can accuse Ovide Lamontagne, candidate for NH GOP nomination for NH Gov.,  of sitting and waiting for that nomination to come to him.  He doesn’t feel entitled to it – he knows he as to earn it.  Here at Saturday’s GSPLPAC  TEA Party, Friday night at the AFP/NH Conservative of the Year award for Kelly Ayotte – he’s working!  He brought a message that fits the TEA Party philosophy (and the worst nightmare of Democrats / Socialists / Statists everywhere):

  • Free Markets
  • Limited Government
  • Constitutional outlook

The TEA Party can always count on the support of Ovide.

There were also others looking for TEA Party support:

  • Dennis Lamare (Republican nomination for Congress,  NH-CD2)
  • Brendan Kelly (Libertarian nomination for Congress, NH-CD1)
  • John Hikel (Republican nomination for NH Senate,  District 20)

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Rockingham 14 Has RINO Written All Over It

RINO'sI have no end of respect for Firefighters and their commitment to others, but politically there is very little evidence that when they run as (r)epublicans in New Hampshire they have any intention of supporting the party or the platform.

The latest example is in Rockingham 14 where Veteran Firefighter Kevin Janvrin has won the low-turnout GOP primary for an upcoming special election.  While I’d be more than happy to have Kevin working as an EMT in my town, I have serious doubts about him working for Republicans in Rock 14. 

Mr. Janvrin’s reported largest primary contributor was David Lang, the President of the Professional Fire Fighters of New Hampshire.  Mr. Lang’s PAC, of which he is the chairman, has a very specific union agenda.  It donates almost 100% of its campaign dollars exclusively to democrat committees and candidates. (Through the PFFNH PAC and another PAC the union runs, Middle Class NH PAC.)  So why support Mr. Janvrin with a personal donation when the only other one I could find of similar value was to Democrat Jackie Cilley?

The answer is to try and make sure the outcome is irrelevant.  That way the union gets its agenda addressed no matter which party wins. An agenda that aligns 99.9% of the time with big-government, nanny-state left wingers.  So if PFFNH gives him money he looks like a connected union plant, but lets be honest, having it come from Lang is no different.  Janvrin looks like another union lackey running as a (r)epublican.

It will be interesting to see the other finance reports for Rock 14.  Maybe PFFNH or one of its officers is or has placed bets on the other side of the race as well.  (Janvrin has reported only had three primary donations-Lang, a firefighter Frank Chase, and another from Jabe Felch.)

Another point of interest is Mr. Janvrin’s candidate blurb, the beauty queen contestant equivalent of "If I am lucky enough to win the pageant this is what I’d like to do" remarks.  While these are intentionally ‘generic’ his does little to suggest he has been advised by anyone outside the union-left wing cabal.  They are full of democrat pap, with little obvious difference from that of his "left wing" opponent.

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