Steve Negron to Launch Opioid Roundtable Series

Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 15, 2018 Contact: Roger Wilkins, 603-864-8633 Steve Negron to Launch Opioid Roundtable Series Nashua, NH – Steve Negron, the Republican nominee for New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District, is launching a series titled “The Opioid Health Crisis: A Listening and Learning Roundtable” in which he will discuss some of the critical issues … Read more

The Opioid Crisis – Are Democrats Using it to Grow Government?

The heroine, Fentanyl, Carfentanyl problem, crisis, war, however you would like to frame it, has, for our purposes, three positions. First, it is national security crisis. Second, it is a domestic enforcement crisis. And third, it is the addiction-treatment-recovery crisis. Democrats oppose the first two and demand money for the third.

If You Are Serious About The Opioid Crisis You Have to End Sanctuary Cities

Open borders policies provide drug cartels with conduits for Heroin and Fentanyl. DACA (inadvertently?) provides armies of young adults for gang recruitment. And sanctuary cities (and states) give cartels and illegals working for them more room to operate. Jessica Vaughn from the Center for Immigration Studies explains.

Obama, Democrats, and DACA Created the Opioid Crisis

It’s no secret that I think the opioid crisis is an excuse to grow the bureaucratic state. With frequent references to the work of Theodore Dalrymple, I’ve tried to warn legislators and citizens that budgets will be blown in the name of ‘doing something‘ to create a sprawling government infrastructure whose addiction to your tax … Read more

An invitation to the White House: President Trump’s remarks on the Opioid Crisis

THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY October 23, 2017  Guidance for President Donald J. Trump’s Remarks on Combatting the Opioid Epidemic What:  President Donald J. Trump’s Remarks on Combatting the Opioid Epidemic Where: The White House – East Room When: Thursday, October 26, 2017 at 2:00PM EDT

President Trump’s remarks on the Opioid Crisis – The White House Fact sheet

PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP IS TAKING ACTION ON DRUG ADDICTION AND THE OPIOID CRISIS “The best way to prevent drug addiction and overdose is to prevent people from abusing drugs in the first place. If they don’t start, they won’t have a problem.” – President Donald J. Trump DRUG ADDICTION AND OPIOIDS ARE RAVAGING AMERICA: … Read more

A Bigger Crisis for NH Democrats than the ‘Opioid Crisis’?

There’s something New Hampshire Democrats value more than the “Heroin epidemic?” Yes, abortion! Oh, and this, For all the bluster from politicians attempting to outbid each other on the opioid issue, it is telling that Democrats would walk away from the issue the instant it required asking state retirees to chip in for their health … Read more

Heroin – Opioid Panel Presentation

For those interested, … Heroin – Opioid Panel Presentation Thursday May 5, 2016   7:00 PM Brookline Event Center Route 130 – Brookline, NH Panelists Vahrij Manoukian – Hollis Pharmacist William Quigley – Brookline Chief of Police James Sartell – Hollis Chief of Police Lee Duval – Brookline EMS Director Sandy Bohling – Hollis EMS Director … Read more

Glass orb sunset earth inverted original Photo by Louis Maniquet on Unsplash

Climate Change ‘Prosperity’: Who Benefits?

Those who advocate for sweeping government power to reverse global warming assert it will lead to a “more prosperous” future. In fact, what we see is calls for a “preposterous future.” These measures will hurt rather than help the environment.  We will be less prosperous while we pollute more.

The Downward Spiraling of American Society

When AFP used to hold national events for bloggers, I used to meet up with John Hawkins to talk shop and yak. In fact, his Right Wing News blog site was one of the first national blog sites to link to us and did so on a number of occasions (again, thanks, John!).

Striving to Preserve Your Culture against False Charges of Racism

In an ongoing cultural controversy in Vermont, a former House member named Kiah Morris has launched a video attacking Vermonters and their culture as racist. Ms. Morris has employed the empty trope that Vermonters who wish to preserve their traditional culture employ “political tactics [that] are historically consistent in the acceleration of increased discrimination, bias, and hate crimes … Read more